How To Use Skills Tests

Do you want to develop your organization’s leadership and equip them with valuable skills? If so, then skills tests offer the perfect solution. Even natural-born leaders would benefit from targeted training efforts. Leadership training can improve learning by 25% and overall job performance by 20%.

Well-trained leaders can boost the performance of their subordinates by 8% or more as well. However, you must pinpoint your leaders’ specific weaknesses to maximize your training program’s efficacy. That is where leadership skills tests come into play.

What Is a Leadership Skills Test?

A leadership skills test is what the name suggests — a type of skills test designed to gauge the test taker’s leadership-related abilities and talents. During a skills test, the participants answer a series of questions. These questions will be in formats such as multiple-choice, true/false, and select-all-that-apply.

Each skills test will typically cover several sub-topics. When an applicant submits their skills test, you can instantly view their results, including a cumulative score and a topic-by-topic performance breakdown. These performance reports will help you better understand each applicant’s strengths and weaknesses.

Leadership skills tests can be assigned and administered via eSkill’s user-friendly testing dashboard, which means that you will not have to purchase costly testing materials. In addition, you can perform all leadership testing remotely, which is extremely convenient if some of your staff work from home.

Most Popular Leadership Skills Tests

There are many leadership skills tests available. You can use these screening tools to help employees develop leadership skills, guide training efforts, and vet supervisory candidates. Some of the most popular leadership skills tests include:

Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence is undoubtedly one of the most important skills for leaders. The Emotional Intelligence skills test can measure an applicant’s emotional intelligence-related skills, such as using emotion productively, showing empathy, and maintaining awareness of the emotions of others.

Change Management: The Change Management skills test covers essential topics like embedding change, leading change, change management theory, and challenges associated with implementing organizational changes.

Like most of our skills tests, it includes 40 total questions. Candidates who score well on this test will likely be able to help their subordinates navigate the hurdles associated with implementing significant changes.

Remote Leadership Skills: The Remote Leadership Skills test is invaluable if your leaders will be managing remote or hybrid workers. This skills test covers remote work-related topics, like learning barriers, remote coaching, goal setting, and continuous improvement.

Attention to Detail: One of the main responsibilities of organizational leaders is reviewing the work submitted by those under their supervision. To do this effectively, leaders will need superior attention to detail. Otherwise, serious errors may go unnoticed and negatively impact the company’s bottom line.

In addition to the tests mentioned above, many other screening tests are available. We recommend selecting the most relevant assessments that meet your organization’s needs to develop leadership skills. You can also create your own skills test using eSkill’s library of questions.

Tips for Developing Leadership Skills with Skills Tests

If your goal is developing leadership skills in existing supervisors and future managers, then skills tests represent a valuable resource. You can administer skills tests before creating your training program to identify areas of need — you should then leverage this information to target specific deficiencies.

For example, suppose your skills testing initiative reveals that most of your leaders lack emotional intelligence. In this scenario, improving emotional intelligence should be one of the top priorities of your training efforts.

Once you have created a tailored training program to remedy any shortcomings, you should administer a second round of leadership skills tests. Administering skills tests post-training can help determine whether your program was effective.

You can also use leadership skills tests to determine which current staff members have an innate propensity to lead others. Employees who already possess some natural leadership abilities will benefit from your training efforts. You can use skills testing and targeted training to transform good potential leaders into great ones.

Enhancing the quality of your organization’s leaders will positively impact the entire organization. Great leaders can improve the morale of line-level staff. Employees with better morale will be more productive and are less likely to leave to pursue other job opportunities.

Developing leadership skills of in-house talent will also help you contend with the ongoing worker shortage. Instead of scrambling to find effective leaders in the limited pool of available talent, you can create your next generation of supervisors by investing in the development of your existing staff.

Schedule Your Demo with eSkill Today

Are you ready to use leadership skills tests to upskill your staff? Contact us to request a demo.

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