10 Key Benefits of Pre-Hiring Assessments and How to Maximize Them

As an HR professional, you strive to recruit “perfect” candidates for all your open roles. However, I’m sure you’ll agree that this is easier said than done-especially in recent years. You are having difficulty finding qualified candidates because there is a shortage of applicants with the skills you need. If you have upgraded technology or […]

5 Candidate-Focused Assessment Methods for Hiring

You need applicants with specific qualifications to fill critical jobs. However, recruiting applicants has become challenging due to a global talent shortage. Companies’ needs have changed, but applicants’ skills have not kept pace. The result is a skills misalignment that is felt worldwide. According to a ManpowerGroup Talent Shortage survey, 75% of companies have difficulty […]

First Hiring Impressions: Professional Pre-Hiring Assessments that Set the Tone for Success

Hiring has become complicated. Finding qualified candidates to fill critical job roles is challenging because there is a shortage of applicants with in-demand skills. Another problem is traditional recruiting tools are ineffective because over 85% of candidates lie on their resumes and during job interviews. Companies across all industries have implemented pre-hiring assessment solutions because […]