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ESkill Why Validity Is So Important With Behavioral Assessments

Research conducted by Gallup found that when organizations systematically select top candidates using validated assessments, they see 33% higher revenue per employee and experience 59% less turnover. The potential boost valid employment assessments can have on organizational productivity is immense. However, the key to successful and legally compliant implementation is establishing the validity of tests used for candidate selection.

What is Assessment Validity?

Assessment validity is the extent to which an assessment accurately measures what it is supposed to measure. So, a behavioral assessment test for employment must measure the work behaviors that are relevant to success on-the-job.

How is Assessment Validity Proven?

Organizations and employment agencies that use behavior assessments for candidate selection must have documentation proving the validity of skills and behavioral assessment tests to ensure legal compliance. While there are alternative methods of proving an assessment is valid, the most common method of validating an assessment follows three steps.

  1. Conduct Job Analysis: The purpose of a job analysis is to determine the work behaviors and professional competencies required in a specific work setting and role. A job analysis typically includes behavioral observations, standardized questionnaires, and job shadowing to identify the exact behavioral characteristics, skills, and knowledge that are needed to succeed in a job.
  2. Select Assessment: eSkill’s dedicated U.S.-based Client Success Managers can help employers select behavioral assessment tests and job-relevant skills tests that evaluate the core competencies identified in the job analysis. With over 1,000 standardized employment assessments and unlimited training and support from expert staff, configuring a valid assessment is easy with eSkill.
  3. Conduct Validation Study: Administer the selected behavioral assessment test to existing employees. Then compare employees’ test scores with job performance criteria such as supervisor ratings or sales quota achievements. Organizations then examine and compute the degree of relationship between test scores and job performance criteria. If there is a significant correlation between high test scores and top-performing employees, and if the opposite is true for low-performing employees, then the assessment is considered valid.

Developing an employment assessment test that meets legal and regulatory criteria and professional standards should not be taken lightly. According to research conducted by Talent Board, while 71% of organizations used pre-employment assessments in 2019, less than half conducted in-house validation studies. Skills tests that are not validated in-house are not in compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines, and the company runs the risk of legal repercussions.

eSkill offers a wide selection of validated behavioral assessments. However, as employers customize the assessments to meet the unique needs of their organization, additional validation is necessary. Fortunately, eSkill offers validation services so that every assessment used for candidate selection is compliant and a useful measure of job success.

The Chance of Bias Slipping In

The purpose of the validity study is to provide empirical support for a solid correlation between test results and job performance. While requiring a computer programmer candidate to know how to use a programming language such as C++ would not introduce bias in the evaluation process, the same is not true for work behaviors. For instance, a computer programmer candidate’s ability to pay attention to detail is not an overtly obvious requirement for success.

A correlation between hard skills and work performance is typically more apparent and easy to identify through a job analysis than behavioral characteristics. Therefore, organizations that introduce a behavioral assessment test for employment must carefully perform the necessary validation studies to eliminate subjective performance criteria from the assessment.

Get the Right Data

Beyond establishing legal compliance, the validity of behavioral assessments is critical to getting the best data about employees. When assessments measure what they intend to measure–the competencies required for success in a job role, organizations can accurately predict future job performance, identify targeted management and engagement strategies, and tailor an employee incentive program that will lower the employee turnover.

eSkill has carefully developed validated and well-constructed standardized behavioral assessment tests for employment. These behavioral assessments were developed by comparing the competencies required in specific positions to scientific models supported by content and synthetic validity evidence to align behavioral dimensions with each competency. eSkill then used this information to create over 1,000 standardized job-based and subject-based assessments that measure the specific competencies needed for success in those roles and subject areas.

When companies partner with eSkill, they have access to statistically validated assessments and validation services that ensure legal compliance and predict future job performance accurately.

Interested in Validated Behavioral Assessment Tests for Employment?

Learn more about the benefits of using eSkill’s validated behavioral assessment tests, validation services, and customizable skills tests so they can find qualified candidates quickly.

Request a demo today.

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