2018 Talent Acquisition Trends 3 2

Are you in a race to find the perfect candidates for your company’s open positions? Interviews have always played an essential role in discovering who has the knowledge and skills to go the extra mile and who doesn’t.  As hiring becomes more global and more employees work remotely, one-way video interviews have become a cost-effective solution for HR.

Combining skills assessments with video interviews will give you a 360-degree view of your candidates. This combination is an innovative method to assess hard and soft skills, save on transportation costs and get the interview process started much faster than you would if you were scheduling in-person interviews. You can confirm that candidates meet the basic requirements of the job and have the necessary social skills your company is looking for.

Here are the most thought-provoking questions to ask in an interview that will help you discover the “real people” in your applicant pool.

15 Interview Questions To Ask in An Interview

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Why should we hire you?
  3. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
  4. Why do you want to leave your current job?
  5. Why do you want this job?
  6. What’s your greatest career accomplishment?
  7. What are your career goals?
  8. Tell me about a recent project you worked on.
  9. Tell me about a time you went completed a job beyond expectations.
  10. Tell me about a big mistake, how you dealt with it, and what you learned from the experience.
  11. Describe the kind of work environment that makes you productive and happy.
  12. How do you evaluate success?
  13. How open are you to the idea of doing things outside your job description?
  14. How would you solve the following problem? (Then give a problem candidates might face on the job.)
  15. What do you like to do outside of work?

These interview questions can give you important insight into how candidates see themselves, how they see the company and how they work best. Hopefully, these interview questions will help you build your own, company-specific questions, so you can find candidates who fit your company perfectly.

One way to address these kinds of open interview questions is with our newest feature:  eSkill Voice & Video Assessments allows you to create any kind of question and then direct candidates (and even employees for in-house training) to record audio or video responses. You can now combine eSkill pre-employment skills tests with voice and video auditions for a seamless and complete candidate selection.

Client Testimonial Jack

The answers you get to one-way video interview questions, plus the skills tests results will help you narrow your list to the most talented candidates.  Then, you use your time for in-person interviews efficiently, connecting only with the people who have the skills for the job and are most likely to fit into your company culture and add real value through their work.

Have you used video interviews yet? How effective were they for your recruiting goals?

Avoid Counterfeit Candidates: 7 Steps to Effective Candidate Screening

Screening your candidates effectively can save your company a lot of time and money spent hiring the wrong people. It can also greatly increase your chances of hiring the kind of top-quality employees who can add significantly to your company profits over the long term. Follow these seven steps to help ensure that the ROI for your next hire rises to the top of the charts.

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