ESkill How To Implement A Fast Track Recruitment Process

Recruiting qualified, skilled staff is a critical determinant of an organization’s ability to deliver results. When a company needs to ramp up recruitment, it must update its human resources (HR) processes to reduce time-to-hire. To implement a fast track recruitment process organizations must leverage modern tech tools such as online skills tests and recorded one-way video interviews screen out unqualified candidates, accelerate short-list creation and expedite hiring decisions.

Clearly Define Job Requirements

Loosely defined job requirements can bring the recruitment process to a crawl. The objective of fast track recruitment is to identify highly qualified candidates as systematically and accurately as possible within a short time frame. To gauge applicants’ qualifications, organizations must first determine the core competencies required for a position.

Before posting a job ad for any position, conduct a thorough job analysis. To do so, interview existing employees who hold the job, review the job description and consult with subject-matter experts such as department leads. With a detailed, clear, and focused outline of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics required for success, the recruitment and hiring process can begin.

Leverage Automated Skills Tests for Early Filtering

eSkill’s innovative software makes developing and deploying customized pre-employment skills tests simple. eSkill’s extensive test library contains hundreds of “ready-to-use” and customizable subject- and job-based skills tests. Dedicated U.S.-based Customer Success Managers also help clients create customized skills tests that meet the unique hiring needs for any position.

When used at the beginning of the recruitment process, skill tests expedite time to hire and reduce the risk of hiring mistakes. According to a study from the Harvard Business Review, 45% of bad hires are attributed to a lack of process. Maintaining consistency while evaluating candidates during the screening phase of the recruitment process is critical to hiring success. For example, after a group of candidates for a remote sales position has completed a set of remote worker skills tests, the designated hiring team may choose to invite only the top 20% interview for a first-round interview. With a completely automated testing and scoring platform like eSkill, the HR team can focus time and resources on critical tasks such as final interviews.

Create a Realistic Job Preview

Including simulations in skills tests that replicate on-the-job tasks helps hiring teams reduce the volume of unqualified applicants and identify the most qualified candidates. eSkill offers a variety of simulations such as remote worker skills tests, customer service skills tests, and coding skills tests that replicate real-world scenarios and require applicants to use problem-solving skills while testing their aptitude and emotional intelligence.

Present Deal-Breakers Before the First-Round Interview

eSkill’s video interviewing software enables employers to send candidates a video or voice recording to introduce the company. With fast track recruitment, candidates have less time to evaluate a potential employer than traditional hiring. So, it is important to provide candidates with information that may be a deal-breaker during this portion of the recruitment process to mitigate the risk of a fast hire leading to a fast exit.

For instance, a recruiter may record a short video presenting any issues that may be a deal-breaker for applicants, such as the need to relocate or work remotely. By acknowledging common questions or concerns that candidates may raise in a video or voice recording before the first-round interview, recruiters and hiring teams can feel assured that candidates who complete the first-round interview are definitely interested.

Ask Candidates to Complete a One-Way Video Interview

Video interviewing is an essential tool for recruiters to connect with job candidates in the modern hiring market. Studies show that 82% of recruiters conduct three or more interviews before presenting a job offer to a candidate. Multiple rounds of interviews are costly and are also time-consuming. One-way video interviews enable employers to expedite the process and decrease cost-per-hire—both good gauges of a recruiter’s effectiveness.

Unlike a two-way video interview conducted on Zoom or Skype, a one-way video interviewing platform, such as eSkill allows recruiters to select or develop a pre-determined set of questions that applicants respond to before a set deadline. The recorded responses are available to view and score at the hiring team’s convenience, which enables them to streamline the screening process.

Empower Every Member of the Hiring Team

One-way video interviews facilitate collaboration because they engage all hiring team members early in the screening process. With eSkill’s team scoring feature, hiring teams can view recorded interviews, score responses, and share their feedback with the team in real-time. Scoring of one-way video interviews is based on standardized criteria. This way, any member of the hiring team can score candidate interview responses, which saves a lot of time.

eSkill’s skills testing and video interviewing platform automates communication with candidates and is accessible to recruiters and hiring teams anytime and from anywhere, which allows organizations to easily fast track the recruitment process.

Interested in Using Skills Tests and One-Way Video Interviews to Fast Track Recruitment?

Learn more about the benefits of using eSkill’s online skills tests, simulations, and video interviewing platform to find qualified candidates quickly.

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