ESkill How Skills Tests Help Staffing Firms Place Candidates Faster

Placing qualified job-seekers quickly is the key to success in the staffing industry. A recent survey of hiring managers found that the primary reasons businesses work with staffing firms are the desire to shorten the hiring process (42%) and access to job-seekers with specialized skills (41%). Unfortunately, many staffing firms fall short when it comes to implementing a fast yet effective approach to identifying top talent.

Today, top staffing firms are using tech-driven hiring processes to rapidly move qualified applicants through the talent funnel. A key component of successful hiring technology is employment skills tests. While most staffing agencies are familiar with using employment skills assessments to determine candidates’ fit for positions, strategic execution is often lacking.

If you are in the staffing industry and would like to place candidates faster, consider adding eSkill’s suite of pre-employment testing tools to your screening process. eSkill, a leading employment skills testing provider, offers staffing firms innovative hiring solutions and support to rapidly and effectively place qualified talent.

Skills-Based Hiring Improves Results

Industry giants in every sector are moving towards skills-based hiring models. While work experience and education credentials were once significant factors in hiring decisions, that is no longer the case. Today, the rapid advancement of technologies and continuously changing operating models of most businesses mean that skills and knowledge quickly become outdated.

Removing antiquated resume screening processes from recruitment allows staffing firms to improve placement rates, but it also leaves a larger pool of talent for recruiters to sift through. So, how can staffing professionals quickly narrow down the list of applicants to qualified individuals? The answer: employment skills tests for staffing agencies.

Employment skills assessments not only verify candidates’ relevant competencies, but they also enable recruiters to create a shortlist of qualified talent instantly. The key to maximizing the effectiveness of any employment skills test is ensuring that it measures the specific skills and knowledge a position requires.

With the most expansive library of skills tests in the employment testing industry, eSkill’s user-friendly platform facilitates a thorough verification of job-seekers’ skills and aptitude regardless of industry or position.

eSkill’s testing platform offers:

  • Over 800 subject- and job-specific skills tests
  • Thousands of modular topics
  • Test bundling, editing, and customization
  • Automated communications
  • Data-driven candidate ranking
  • Dedicated U.S-based Client Success Managers
  • Advanced job simulations
  • Voice and video interviews
  • Behavioral assessments
  • Cognitive assessments

Staffing firms that use employment skills tests customized to align with the requirements of a position improve placement rates and reduce the risk of litigation. In fact, tests configured to evaluate a job’s specific requirements are more legally defensible than not using a test at all when making hiring decisions.

You can offer clients a legally sound staffing model when you partner with eSkill. Leading the testing industry in compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s guidelines, eSkill boasts a perfect 16-year record of employment testing without litigation.

Replacing subjective measures of candidate fit, like earned degrees, with objective measures of relevant skills, not only reduces legal risk, but it also improves placement rates. When staffing firms use eSkill’s employment skills tests, they can confidently deliver clients the right candidates with the rights skills faster.

Optimize Recruitment Workflows

Creating a streamlined and efficient recruitment workflow is critical to success in the staffing industry. However, the majority of staffing agencies do not have automation built into their skills testing platform. In fact, the Staffing Industry Analysts’ 2019 North American Staffing Company Survey found that only 46% of staffing firms have technology capable of allowing candidates to complete relevant skills assessments without the aid of a human.

With intuitive automation at the forefront of eSkill’s employment testing solutions, staffing firms can leverage skills tests to move qualified candidates through the recruitment process rapidly. eSkill’s employment skills testing platform integrates with applicant tracking systems so staffing agencies can create a seamless recruitment workflow. From skills testing to candidate ranking, eSkill’s candidate screening tools eliminate the need for valuable human capital in recruitment processes.

With eSkill, staffing firms can optimize recruitment workflows by:

  • Testing candidates’ skills at the beginning of the hiring funnel: eSkill’s user-friendly platform enables recruiters to auto-send applicants the relevant skills tests.
  • Auto-ranking job-seekers: recruiters can easily rank and filter out applicants who lack the relevant skills.
  • Automating communications: automate communications with candidates, including “next steps” for candidates depending on test scores. With eSkill’s Assessment Author, you can select the score range for auto-progressing and redirecting candidates.
  • Utilizing on-demand video interviews: eSkill’s on-demand video interviewing solution enables talent acquisition professionals to record and automatically send interview questions to qualified applicants. Candidates recorded responses are instantly available, and staffing professionals can score, comment, reject, and share feedback with colleagues from anywhere and at any time.
  • Leveraging Team Scoring: utilizing scorecards that detail criteria for awarding points, multiple members of a staffing firm can evaluate on-demand video interview responses, reducing subjectivity and streamlining interviews.

With eSkill’s employment testing solutions, staffing firms can create a faster and more effective recruitment process.

Interested in Using Skills Tests to Place Candidates Faster?

Learn more about the benefits of using eSkill’s employment skills tests and on-demand video interviewing tools to quickly place qualified candidates.

Request a demo today.

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