Job Skills Tests Used In Hiring

Improving hiring outcomes is a top priority for companies because they must find qualified candidates to fill critical jobs. Unfortunately, HR leaders are finding it is much easier said than done.

Hiring has become a challenge for employers worldwide due to an unprecedented talent shortage that shows no sign of ending. According to a Korn Ferry report, there is a worldwide talent shortage of more than 85 million people. Around 77% of employers say they are having difficulty finding qualified candidates.

The problem has been growing for the past decade. Companies in all industry sectors have adopted new technology and implemented digital transformation, which means the requirements for many jobs have changed. Many applicants’ skills have not kept pace. So, while businesses might receive hundreds of responses for a single job posting, they find few of the applicants are qualified.

Organizations need to hire and onboard top talent to maintain their competitive edge So, many have adopted an industry-leading job skills testing solution like the eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM to identify top candidates and eliminate those who are unqualified.

Complete Job Skills Testing Solution

The eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM is a complete solution that provides all the tools your HR team needs to create and administer skills tests for jobs. These are the components that it provides for making sound hiring decisions.

  • Skills Assessment Tests: HR leaders can automatically send skills tests to applicants, sort the results, and instantly see which candidates are best qualified for a job.
  • Behavioral Assessments: Using behavioral assessments with pre-employment tests helps hiring managers see which candidates are the best fit for a job and the corporate culture.
  • Video Response Questions: Video response questions enable HR teams to evaluate skills that cannot be measured effectively with a written assessment, such as verbal communication and foreign language proficiency. They simply record questions, and candidates record and upload their responses.
  • Team Scoring: Team scoring helps hiring teams score individual interviews based on predefined criteria. Once all reviewers have provided feedback, the HR team approves and automatically averages candidates’ scores.

Job Skills Testing Features That Streamline Recruiting

Job skills tests help measure the abilities, aptitudes, skills, interests, and development needs of job candidates and current employees. These are some of the ways employers use skills tests for jobs to simplify and streamline hiring and recruiting:

  • Expedite Initial Applicant Screening: Organizations often receive thousands of responses to a single job posting. When applicants submit job skills tests, HR teams avoid spending hours manually reviewing resumes. They can identify top applicants by ranking the results by score and eliminate unqualified applicants.
  • Comprehensive Skills Assessment Library: The eSkill Assessment Library includes hundreds of validated job- and subject-based skills tests for jobs. HR leaders can use the pre-prepared versions or add and delete questions as needed.
  • Ability to Customize Job Skills Tests: Standard skills tests for jobs often do not reflect job requirements perfectly. So, HR teams need the ability to customize assessments. With the eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM, they can build assessments using questions from multiple assessments and even add their own questions.
  • Single Job Skills Test Covers Abilities: It is often necessary to evaluate multiple skills for a single job. For instance, if an HR team at a law firm was hiring an administrative assistant and needed candidates with strong MS Office® proficiency, they could build a skills test using questions from the MS Word®, MS Excel® Legal Terminology, and Legal Typing assessments.
  • Job Simulations: Simulations allow HR leaders to present applicants with typical work scenarios and observe how candidates respond. For example, if an HR team was hiring patient representatives for a hospital or medical group, recruiters could create an assessment using questions from the Medical Terminology, HIPAA—Health Insurance Coverage, and Customer Service skills tests and add Chat and Multitasking simulations.
  • Video Response Questions: Some attributes, such as verbal communication and foreign language skills, cannot be measured effectively using a written assessment. With the eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM, HR teams can include video response questions in job skills tests to evaluate these skills.
  • Dedicated Assessment Expert: The eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM is so easy to use that most clients set it up and start using it the same day. However, HR teams still like knowing they can get help whenever needed. Every client that purchases an eSkill subscription is assigned a Dedicated Assessment Expert who can answer questions and assist in developing department and enterprise-wide hiring strategies.

Get Started with Skills Tests for Jobs

When you implement a job skills testing solution, you take the guesswork out of hiring, reduce recruiting costs, and decrease time-to-hire. Many eSkill clients have cut hiring costs by 70% and reduced time-to-hire by 60%.

Do you want to learn how job skills testing can help you improve your entire recruiting process? Contact us to request a demo.

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