Eskill Hiring Strategies For Remote Workers Pre Employment Testing Tools For 2021

Before the onset of the pandemic, no one could have predicted the way we work would change almost overnight. Despite initial anxiety that the pressure of such sudden and profound change would be too great, business leaders have found that the new way of working could be the answer to sustained success.

While many companies implemented remote work in response to the pandemic, business leaders are now making it permanent. According to a global survey, chief information officers predict the percentage of employees permanently working remotely will double in 2021. And a recent Gartner survey revealed that 74% of organizations plan to make the shift to remote work permanent.

In this time of uncertainty, the uptick in work-from-home arrangements has made one thing clear for human resources (HR) professionals and recruiters: Hiring, like so much else, will be done remotely for the foreseeable future.

Moving Toward Sustainable Processes

The pre-pandemic candidate-driven labor market has quickly reversed course. In the U.S., there are nearly two unemployed people for every available job. With workers eagerly searching for work, recruiters receive an onslaught of applicants for each open position. Couple this with the endless pool of talent available when hiring for fully remote jobs, and talent acquisition professionals have their work cut out for them.

Just as the COVID-19 crisis impacted the labor market, it also impacted the resources available to most HR departments. As businesses look to cut costs to make up for losses sustained in 2020, many talent acquisition professionals now face a sobering reality of much leaner teams. With less human power and more candidates to screen, HR professionals and recruiters must develop sustainable processes for vetting what sometimes feels like a never-ending sea of applicants.

eSkill’s cloud-based pre-employment testing platform provides talent acquisition professionals with the tools needed to streamline hiring workflows. From customizable pre-employment tests to on-demand video interviews, eSkill’s suite of tech-driven hiring tools helps organizations hire skilled remote workers quickly.

Leverage Pre-Employment Tests That Evaluate the Skills That Matter Most

With the most extensive collection of customizable Skills Tests in the HR industry, eSkill enables hiring teams to configure pre-employment tests that measure the required competencies for any position across industries. By measuring reliable indicators of future job success early in the hiring process, employers can quickly create a shortlist of top talent and secure the skills they need.

Skills tests provide an unbiased, objective evaluation of job-seekers’ ability to perform on-the-job tasks, enabling organizations to hire based on merit rather than subjective measures like college degrees and work history. eSkill’s pre-employment Skills Tests include immersive experiences ideal for hiring remote workers, like coding challenges or job simulations. These real-life work scenarios mimic the tasks a candidate would perform if hired for a role.

When organizations use job-relevant pre-employment tests in the hiring process, they can make data-driven employee selection decisions that result in better hires.

Streamline the Interview Process

On-demand video interviewing is a fast and effective way of conducting interviews for remote positions. eSkill’s on-demand video interviewing solution takes the interviewer out of the interview. Unlike a Zoom or Skype meeting, on-demand video interviews consist of job-seekers self-recording video responses to a set of prerecorded questions. Hiring teams can then view and score the responses at a time that works best for them.

With eSkill’s on-demand video interviewing solution, hiring teams can:

  • Automate who receives invitations for video interviews: Hiring teams can choose to auto-send requests to complete video interviews to every applicant or bulk send the requests to a shortlist of qualified candidates.
  • Score responses with eSkill’s Simple Scoring feature: This feature only requires one member of the hiring team to score an interview. The reviewer scores responses on a scale of 1 to 10 and has the option to add a comment for context.
  • Score responses with eSkill’s Team Scoring feature: This feature provides a more robust approach to interview evaluations. eSkill’s Team Scoring feature enables hiring teams to use more than one set of scoring criteria to evaluate responses and assign multiple reviewers to score the same interviews.

eSkill’s on-demand video interviewing solution improves hiring efficiencies, enabling organizations to streamline the remote hiring process.

Use a Collaborative Pre-Employment Testing Platform

eSkill’s cloud-based platform also makes it easy to collaborate with the members of your hiring team regardless of their location. On eSkill’s Employer Dashboard, every member of the hiring team can remotely access applicant information, including test status, interview status, communications, and easy-to-understand score reports that detail proficiency level for each competency tested.

eSkill also integrates with your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and Learning Management System (LMS) so HR professionals can manage the entire talent funnel from one application. With eSkill’s suite of pre-employment testing tools, organizations can develop and automate remote hiring workflows quickly and effectively.

Interested in Pre-Employment Testing Tools for Hiring Remote Workers?

Learn more about the benefits of using eSkill’s customizable skills tests, behavioral assessments, job simulation tests, and on-demand video interviewing solution to find qualified candidates quickly.

Request a demo today.

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