Data Entry Testing Solutions

The digital revolution has touched every industry, and computer skills are now a must-have rather than a nice-to-have qualification for many jobs. However, some jobs must still be done manually, and data entry is one of them.

Data entry operators must enter information quickly and accurately and organize and manage data. So, HR teams use data entry and data entry typing tests to evaluate applicants’ speed and accuracy and their understanding of basic spreadsheet functions.

Why You Should Use Data Entry Tests

In the past, recruiters evaluated candidates by reviewing resumes and conducting interviews. Now, they can no longer rely on these methods because almost 80% of applicants lie on their resumes. By using a data entry typing test, they can easily see which applicants are qualified for a job, instead of making a hiring decision based on (possibly) inaccurate information.

These are some ways organizations use data entry assessment tests to hire and onboard new employees.

  • Initial Screening: Organizations often receive thousands of applications for a single job posting. When applicants complete data entry assessment tests, HR professionals can instantly see which candidates have the required skills and experience.
  • Customize Assessments: Job requirements differ, so one-size-fits-all data entry assessments may not be effective. The eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM allows HR teams to customize assessments to match job roles. They can use off-the-shelf tests or build assessments from scratch by selecting questions from multiple skills tests. For example, if a law firm recruiter was hiring a data entry operator, they could build a test using questions from the Data Entry Operator, Legal Typing, and Legal Terminology tests and add Excel-related questions from the MS Office® assessment.
  • Replicate Job Situations: The best way to verify applicants can do a job is to give them tasks they will complete during a typical day and see how they perform. The eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM offers MS Office®, Chat, Multitasking, and Digital Literacy Simulations. If you need a data entry clerk with excellent Excel skills and good time management abilities, you can build an assessment using the Data Entry Operator and Typing Tests and add Multitasking and MS Office simulations.
  • Expedite Onboarding: Training new hires on material they already know wastes time that they could spend learning to do their new job. HR teams can expedite onboarding by using data entry tests to identify areas new hires already know. Then they can skip those topics and concentrate training in areas where the new hires need help.
  • Minimize Hiring Mistakes: Hiring mistakes are expensive and hurt productivity and staff morale. Studies show the cost of a bad hire can range from $17,000 to $240,000, including recruiting expenses, staff disruption, loss of customer goodwill, incomplete projects, and potential litigation. Using data entry tests helps HR teams minimize the risk of hiring mistakes because they can immediately identify qualified candidates and weed out those without the required experience.

How Organizations Use Data Entry Tests for Hiring

Companies in virtually every industry use Excel, data entry, and data entry typing tests to identify and hire top candidates. These are some examples of clients that improved hiring outcomes, decreased time-to-hire, and reduced turnover by implementing the eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM.

  • Houdini, Incorporated provides wholesale gift baskets to warehouse clubs, mass merchandisers, liquor purveyors, and specialty stores. It implemented Microsoft® Excel skills assessments and was able to instantly select 30 top candidates for seasonal work from a pool of 458 candidates.
  • An auto warranty company offers automotive claims administration and vehicle service contract expertise. By using Basic Office Skills tests, it can fill positions in four to six days and has reduced employee turnover from 40% to 23%.
  • Chemonics, a multinational consulting and solution development company, implemented basic Excel skills tests and other pre-employment assessments. It has reduced time-to-hire to 55 days and is working to reduce it to 45 days from the initial interview to accepting a job offer. It has also reduced turnover by 43%.
  • Texas811 is a non-profit organization that notifies utility companies and city and county governments, which are members of its network, about planned excavations near their underground lines. It used to take hiring teams six to eight weeks to fill entry-level call center positions. Using typing and data entry assessments has enabled them to make hiring decisions in one to two weeks—a decrease in time-to-hire by approximately 75%.
  • AJM Packaging Corporation is a family-owned business that has grown from a small paper cup manufacturer to a national leader in disposable tableware. It implemented eSkill’s clerical skills tests to assess candidates’ typing speed and accuracy. Comprehensive skills testing immediately paid off for AJM Packaging. Its HR team can make hiring decisions with confidence, and the company has significantly reduced hiring errors.

Get Started with Data Entry Tests

HR teams that want to hire top candidates use data entry tests and data entry typing tests to get the measurable data they need to evaluate candidates accurately, efficiently, and fairly. Do you want to learn how data entry tests and data entry typing tests can help you recruit top candidates and improve hiring outcomes? Contact us to request a demo.

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