01 ESkill Buyers Guide How To Choose A Video Interview Platform

When the Coronavirus pandemic hit, we all had to learn different ways to do business. Many companies told employees to work from home. Interviews were done by video rather than in-person. Many employees started jobs without ever meeting employers face to face.

In 2020, a Gartner survey showed that 86% of employers were doing video interviews as part of the hiring process. Video interviewing has become a standard tool for human resources (HR) teams.

With eSkill, you can do standalone video interviews or include them as part of the pre-employment testing process. Applicants can record their responses when completing the pre-employment tests. Your team can review them and share them with hiring managers.

One of the benefits of getting candidates to answer questions by video is that you evaluate their verbal and language skills firsthand rather than relying on written responses. Video interviewing provides you with insight into how a candidate will communicate in the workplace — an essential skill for proper job fit.

Choosing a Video Interview Platform

Zoom or Teams can be great for getting a feel for candidates, but a video interview platform needs to go deeper to give you the results you need.

  • You need a platform that allows for asynchronous or on-demand video interviewing. You should be able to create pre-defined questions in any order and record candidates on camera.
  • You will also want the ability to run real-team scenarios and record responses as part of your pre-employment testing.
  • Advanced scoring for individual and team scoring should also be built into the platform for sharing among HR teams and hiring managers.

These are just some of the “must-haves” in any video platform you choose. eSkill provides each of these features and more as part of a comprehensive employment testing process.

Download our Buyer’s Guide, What You Need to Know About Talent Assessment Platforms,” and use the checklist to choose the solutions that best meet your needs.

The Benefits of Video Interviews

If you are evaluating pre-employment testing platforms and are wondering why it should include video interviews, these are some of the key benefits. Be sure any solution you choose can help you accomplish each of these goals.

  • More Objective Assessments

    Real-time interviews are more of a conversation. It is easy to get off-track, forget to ask a key question, or even skew responses depending on how the question is asked (or when). Asynchronous video interviews pose pre-defined interview questions of all candidates, so you can better compare answers more objectively.

  • Save Time

    On-demand video interviews also save time. You can take a look at a resume and watch a few minutes of video rather than spending 45 minutes on a phone or video chat. It also saves time for candidates as they can complete the video assessment on their time. Asynchronous video also means no more phone tag or the dreaded back and forth to schedule a mutually agreeable time.

  • Verify Identities

    Has a job candidate ever had someone else provide their written answers or exaggerated their proficiency on a resume? During testing, you can ask candidates to verify their identity and display a driver’s license or other picture ID. This assures it is the candidate themselves answering the questions.

Video Interviewing Completes Your Pre-Employment Testing Solution

Pre-employment tests can verify proficiency by asking applicants to demonstrate specific skills. They also help you assess candidates more accurately because people are a more likely to provide factual responses when they know they will be tested.

Including video interview questions in your eSkill pre-employment tests helps you learn more about candidates’ backgrounds and experiences and provides a holistic view of their skills and experience. You can ask specific questions and add a time limit for responses to evaluate how they think and communicate.

You can evaluate and verify a candidate’s English language proficiency or bilingual skills (if required for the position) and see if they already have certain job skills or need further training. For example, you can create scenarios and ask candidates how they would approach them. For customer service or call center employees, you might play out a scenario in real-time and record how the prospect responds — something that might be far different than if they were writing out the answers.

Combine Interviews and Skills Tests in a Single Assessment

Combining on-demand, asynchronous video interviews with behavioral assessments helps minimize hiring mistakes by giving you a more comprehensive picture of applicants.

Download our guide to Using One-Way Video Interviews to learn the different types of interviews available, what candidates need to know before an interview, and how to get started with one-way video interviews.

Schedule an eSkill Demo

Using eSkill assessments reduces the costs of evaluations by 70%. On average, this represents at least $600 per candidate. Contact eSkill to schedule a demo.

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