Best Skills Tests For Paraeducators

There are tens of thousands of paraeducators working in schools throughout the United States. These paraeducators are an essential part of the daily operations at any school. They perform tasks such as assisting with classroom management, providing one-on-one instructional guidance, and caring for special needs students.

As you know, paraeducators play a key role within educational institutions. However, you may not realize just how significant of an impact they can make on student performance. Paraeducators can positively affect both student test scores and overall school proficiency.

With that being said, it can be tough to find quality paraeducator candidates. Traditional hiring tactics such as resume reviews and panel interviews do not reveal whether an individual can perform in a classroom setting. That is why many school districts are now administering a basic skills test for paraeducators during the screening process.

There are also several other skills assessments available for evaluating paraeducator candidates. Below, we highlight some of the most effective skills tests that you can implement immediately to streamline the hiring process.

Basic Skills Test for Paraeducators

Basic skills tests for paraeducators are specifically designed for measuring the abilities of paraprofessionals. This assessment has forty total questions of varying types. The question types on this skills assessment include fill in the blank, multiple-choice, select all that apply, and true/false.

The Paraeducator skills assessment covers many topics, including supervising students in classrooms, interpersonal skills in a school setting, numerical proofreading, general scholastic teaching skills, and English language. Individuals who perform well on this assessment likely can work collaboratively with teachers, prepare educational materials, and perform other job-specific tasks efficiently.

We recommend administering this skills test early in the evaluation process when using this assessment. Your hiring staff can narrow down the list of candidates to the top applicants by doing so. This tactic means that they will have to conduct fewer interviews, saving both time and money.

Basic Computer Skills Test

Technology has become an integral part of the modern learning experience. As such, paraeducator candidates must be comfortable using various technologies within the classroom setting. We recommend administering a basic computer skills test to assess an applicant’s technological proficiency.

Your team can use several different computer skills assessments to evaluate paraeducator candidates. A few of these skills tests include:

Basic Computer Knowledge for Windows: This assessment includes 40 total questions of various formats. The question types on this skills test include multiple-choice, select all that apply, and true-false. It covers Windows-specific topics, such as word processing, shortcuts, internet usage, and basic PC hardware.

Basic Digital Skills: The Basic Digital Skills assessment covers a broader range of topics, such as cybersecurity awareness, digital literacy simulation, Google Chrome 10, Windows 10, videoconferencing, and more. This skill test consists of 50 questions. Some of the questions are based on the V2 Simulator.

Digital Literacy Simulation: The Digital Literacy Simulation skills assessment is administered exclusively with the V2 Simulator. This skills test measure’s an applicant’s ability to perform various computer-related tasks. It covers basic computer operations, sending emails, accessing social media, and browsing the internet.

Cognitive Skills Test

Whereas the assessments above measure a candidate’s hard skills, cognitive skills tests measure their “soft skills.” Soft skills are not directly related to a specific job but are essential for succeeding in a professional environment. Many different cognitive skills tests are available, which vary in both length and complexity.

A few examples of cognitive skills tests include Attention to Detail, Following Directions, and Logical Thinking.

The Attention to Detail assessment would be particularly useful when assessing paraeducator candidates. This skills test covers word analysis, word meaning, and finding errors. A paraeducator must exhibit good attention to detail, especially when grading papers or preparing educational materials.

Behavioral Assessment

Unlike some other professions that allow employees to work independently, paraeducators constantly interact with coworkers and students. Therefore, you must ensure that paraeducator candidates possess job-specific skills and positive personality traits. A lack of positive behavioral attributes can negatively impact students’ performance while damaging workplace morale.

One of the most effective ways to gain insights into a candidate’s personality traits is by administering a behavioral assessment. A behavioral assessment is an advanced screening tool that can reveal how an applicant thinks and works. This type of assessment can also help you understand an individual’s underlying motivations.

Using skills testing and behavioral assessments, you can identify which paraeducator candidates will be a good fit for your organization. With this information, you can easily select the best people to fill your open jobs while avoiding the considerable risks of bad hiring decisions.

Paraeducator Testing Solutions from eSkill

Request a demo to learn how using basic skills test for paraeducators, basic computer skills tests, and cognitive skills test can help you improve hiring outcomes.

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