Eskill Blog Best Interview Questions To Ask

Thanks to advances in technology, remote work is now much more convenient than ever. With sophisticated applications and devices, workers can keep in touch with the office from locations worldwide. PwC reports that 83% of employers feel the transition to remote work during the pandemic was successful, and many executives are likely to continue utilizing remote work in the coming years.

This shift also means that companies need to rethink how they interview candidates. In a Gartner survey, 86% of interviews during the pandemic were performed remotely. According to the Society for Human Resources Management, 23% of hiring managers would prefer conducting only virtual interviews, while 41% intend to combine remote and in-person interviews in the hiring process.

This article will explore some things to keep in mind while conducting remote interviews and some of the best interview questions to ask candidates. Most importantly, we will look at how eSkill’s Talent Assessment Platform lets you incorporate many of these questions as video response questions, which you can easily add to the skills tests you are already using to find the best candidates.

eSkill Lets You Add the Best Interview Questions to Ask Candidates into Your Hiring Process

With eSkill, you have access to a vast library of more than 800 pre-made skills tests. In addition, if you are wondering what are the best interview questions to ask a candidate, you can easily build and customize your own skills tests to target your specific job openings. For instance, if you were hiring a paralegal, you may choose to administer the Paralegal Skills test or combine that test with other relevant skills tests, like MS Office or Logical Thinking.

You can also create your own skills tests by choosing specific questions from eSkill’s collection of hundreds of validated questions — or you can add your own questions.

Adding video response questions to your test can help you begin the interview process during the application process. Video response questions ask applicants to record their answers on video.

This process lets you evaluate many aspects of the candidate, including verbal reasoning and communication skills. You can even verify the applicant’s identity by asking them to hold up an ID card to the camera.

When you add video response questions into your hiring process, you save time because you can score these questions asynchronously. If a hiring team is making the decision, each team member can score the response on their own time, increasing the likelihood of finding the candidates with the best Job Fit.

How to Interview Remote Candidates

Much like interviewing in person, the key to interviewing remote candidates is preparation. Before the interview begins, you should know as much as possible about the candidate to avoid wasting time covering basics that you can acquire by other means. This preparation also gives the candidate the impression that you are invested in their future with the company.

However, virtual interviews also run the risk of feeling more casual than you intend. It is up to you to ensure that the process remains professional. Communicate the purpose of the interview with the candidate, and make it clear that the video questions are part of the formal hiring process.

When you begin the interview process by incorporating video response questions using eSkill’s platform, you also need to be clear about the purpose of those questions. Allow candidates to prepare to answer these questions knowing that it is part of the formal interview process. That way, you give the applicant the chance to show themselves at their best.

What Are the Best Interview Questions to Ask a Candidate?

While video response questions provide the opportunity to get to know a candidate better, you may be asking yourself, “What are the best interview questions to ask a candidate?” Some suggested video response questions include:

  • In a few words, how would you describe your work ethic?
  • Why do you think this position would be a good fit for you?
  • What is one fact that we should know about you that is not on your resume?
  • Can you describe a challenging work situation that you overcame?
  • What are your goals, both right now and for the next five years?
  • What is one area where you would most like to improve?

These are only a small sampling of the questions that you can ask. Because this is still early in the application process, it is a good idea to keep questions focused on finding out more about the candidate without diving too deeply into their personal lives. The focus should be on finding the top candidates, especially those who might have slipped through if you relied only on their resumes.

Interested in Learning how Video Response Questions Can Improve Your Remote Interviews?

Find out how eSkill’s industry-leading Talent Assessment Platform gives you the flexibility to include video response questions in your skills testing process. Request a demo today.

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