Key Business Investment

Hiring top-quality sales representatives is critical for business success, which is why U.S. businesses spend $800 billion annually on sales compensation and commissions and $15 billion on sales training.

Sales managers hate hearing that a top-performing representative is leaving because they know it could impact client relationships. They lose the sales rep’s talent, product expertise, and the rapport they have built with customers. They know that clients might be tempted to look at other suppliers, which means existing orders and future business could be at risk.

Because companies know a high-performing sales team is essential to success, they are likely to implement a testing solution like the industry-leading eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM and use its aptitude tests for sales and marketing in their hiring.

How Aptitude Tests for Sales and Marketing Help Companies

Organizations need the best sales aptitude tests to identify top candidates and determine if they are a good fit for a job and the corporate culture. These are some key benefits of using aptitude tests for sales and marketing.

  • Simplified Initial Screening: Companies often receive hundreds of applications in response to a single sales representative job posting. The best sales aptitude tests allow them to identify top candidates by reviewing assessment scores and avoid the hours they would spend reviewing resumes. They can quickly identify top candidates, focus their efforts on them, and eliminate applicants who lack the necessary skills and experience.
  • Customizable Sales Aptitude Tests: Industry-leading assessment solutions like the eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM offer HR professionals the option to use pre-prepared aptitude tests for sales and marketing or build custom assessments. They can select questions from hundreds of validated job- and subject-based skills tests in the eSkill Assessment Library and create assessments that perfectly match their job roles.

    For example, if you are hiring sales representatives for a medical equipment company, the best sales aptitude test could include questions that test candidates’ sales abilities and questions from the Medical Terminology, HIPAA-Health Insurance Coverage, and HIPAA-Health Privacy and Security Standards skills tests to assess candidates’ knowledge of the healthcare industry and its inherent regulations.
  • Simulations
    The best sales aptitude tests show whether candidates have the right skills, but they may not prove they can apply the knowledge. So, HR teams use simulations that replicate job scenarios in aptitude tests for sales and marketing. Hiring team members observe each candidate’s performance and add ratings and comments. For example, hiring team members might be asked to evaluate simulations that require applicants to overcome objections, sell against a competitor, work with a difficult client, or win back lost business.
  • Video Response Questions
    Hiring teams add video response questions to the best sales aptitude test to evaluate skills that cannot be measured using written tests. Assessing verbal communication skills is a good example of where a video response question would be appropriate. Sales representatives must sound professional and pleasant in person, on the phone, and during video calls. They must also be able to conduct sales presentations in person and online.

How to Select the Best Sales Aptitude Test

Sales representatives must be able to build relationships with customers and prospects and sell the value of products and services. They must also be excellent negotiators and closers and effective communicators. HR teams can choose the following pre-prepared skills tests from the eSkill Assessment Library or build a custom aptitude test for sales and marketing using questions from these tests.

  • Sales Concepts: This aptitude test for sales and marketing evaluates how well candidates understand sales strategies and tactics. It assesses their closing skills and confirms they can work effectively with customers and prospects.
  • Sales Representative: The best sales aptitude test shows how well candidates can follow up on sales leads. It evaluates their ability to sell and promote products and services, build customer relationships, and close sales.
  • Negotiating: Sales representatives need good negotiating skills. This aptitude test for sales and marketing evaluates candidates’ ability to think strategically and solve problems. It demonstrates how well they make decisions and measures their persuasive and analytical skills.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Sales representatives must be in touch with their emotions and understand how they can impact relationships with customers and prospects. This is the best sales aptitude test to measure candidates’ social intelligence and ability to use emotions effectively.
  • Email Etiquette: Poorly written email messages cause confusion and misunderstandings and can ruin business relationships. This assessment confirms that candidates understand basic email etiquette and can compose clear, complete, and tactful messages.
  • Videoconference Communication and Etiquette: We live in a digital world, and many sales presentations are conducted online. This assessment confirms that applicants know how to use popular video conference applications, engage participants effectively, and understand videoconferencing etiquette.

Get Started with The Best Sales Aptitude Tests

The best sales aptitude tests help organizations build a team of rock-star sales performers who develop new business and close deals. They also help organizations reduce recruiting costs and decrease time-to-hire. Many eSkill clients have decreased hiring costs by about 70% and time-to-hire by around 60%.

Are you ready to implement the best sales aptitude tests and turn your sales force into a selling machine? Contact us to request a demo.

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