ESkill Why Is JobFit So Important In Hiring

When you hire candidates, who are well-suited for a job, you get more productive and happier employees. It increases employee retention rates. The flipside is true as well. When you hire someone who is not the right fit, it can disrupt workflow and lead to higher turnover.

One recent survey showed that a third of employees leave jobs because they are bored. That can happen when the job match, or what we call, Job Fit, is not quite right. Nearly 25% of workers said they also left because they didn’t feel there was a cultural fit with the organization. It is important to get the Job Fit right.

Pre-employment testing can help you determine Job Fit before hiring. Pre-employment tests give you an objective measure of a candidate’s skills and help you identify which candidates are best suited for your job.

How Pre-Employment Tests Work to Assess Job Fit

Pre-employment testing can measure both the hard skills and the soft skills candidates need to be a good fit for your job.

Evaluating Hard Skills

In determining fit, you will want to evaluate a candidate’s current skill level. This will vary by job and the desired proficiency level. For example, if your office uses Microsoft products, you may want to test a candidate’s skill levels with Microsoft Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, or Excel. If you are hiring someone to work in your warehouse, you may want to assess their picking and packing skills or supply chain management skills depending on the job. You may want to screen candidates for cashier positions based on their math acuity and money-handling skills.

With eSkill, you can choose from more than 800 standard job-based or subject-based tests. You can also pick from 5,000 modular skills tests to create the exact right fit, something we call Job Fit, for your organization. Tests range from thousands of subjects across job functions. You can customize any test for your specific needs.

With eSkill, you can choose the proficiency level for employment testing as well. Does the job require basic knowledge, intermediate skills, or mastery? Pre-Employment Tests can be designed to test at each level for Job Fit.

Just because a candidate lists a skill on their resume, it does not mean they have the experience or proficiency that your job demands. Employment testing provides a way for you to assess their skill level before hiring.

Evaluating Soft Skills

Even if job candidates have the experience and hard skills needed to do the job, they must also have the soft skills to be the right fit. Soft skills include things like collaboration, communication, problem-solving, motivation, and leadership.

Behavioral assessments can provide insight into how a candidate works, communicates, and thinks. It can help you uncover what motivates them and whether they have the intangibles you need to mesh with your team.

Pre-employment tests can measure:

  • Cognitive abilities, such as attention to detail, critical thinking, or problem-solving
  • Personality traits, such as patience, cooperativeness, or openness
  • Job-relevant soft skills, such as customer service, leadership, or digital literacy

These soft skills can be just as important as hard skills as predictors of success. They are even more important when hiring remote employees who will have to work with less direct supervision.

Download our free Whitepaper to learn more about Skills Testing and Behavioral Assessments.

Which Pre-Employment Tests Are Right for My Company?

Deciding which Pre-Employment Tests are right to determine job match, or Job Fit, will vary depending on the job and the company. The best way to figure out the best employment testing in your organization is to evaluate the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) needed for the job.

  • Knowledge: The information the employee needs to have
  • Skills: The learned skills necessary to perform successfully
  • Abilities: The ability to apply knowledge to achieve results
  • Other characteristics: Things such as attitude, reliability, etc.

Once you have defined the necessary attributes for a job, eSkill makes it easy to create customized Pre-Employment Tests using a variety of methods. Employment testing with eSkill can use test-based assessments, voice or video assessments, or real-life simulations to help evaluate candidates.

Pre-Employment Testing Can Assess Job Fit

A survey of 1,400 C-level executives revealed that 90% of CEOs and CFOs believe the quality of a company’s culture is inextricably linked with its financial success.

When you hire the right people for the right job, it can create a more efficient and productive culture. When employees have the hard skills and soft skills needed to excel, it can create a more inclusive, engaged, and motivated workforce. Employment Tests can help you determine whether someone is the right fit for your job before you invest in onboarding and training.

Request a demo to learn how pre-employment tests can help you achieve better hiring outcomes and improve Job Fit. 

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