Adapting To A Changing Employment Landscape

The focus on coronavirus prevention is disrupting hiring practices and work environments at businesses of all sizes and in every industry. In the interest of keeping employees healthy and conducting business as usual, online work from home has become the new norm. Whether you’re continuing to hire full-time staff or need a sudden influx of temporary workers to support outbreak-related response needs, here are a few ways your company can adapt to these changes.

Video Apps for Interviews and Meetings

Many companies use applications, such as GoToMeetingZoom or Skype, to conduct day-to-day business. However, job seekers and hiring managers alike can expect to use tools such as these and recorded video applications more frequently if travel is restricted and to avoid in-person meetings. Virtual communication tools such as these will be especially useful where employees are based in heavy outbreak and quarantine areas since there will be more concern about coronavirus prevention.

Working Remotely

Online work from home has become commonplace as companies take action to avoid spreading the virus in compact office spaces. Managers, HR leaders, employees, and job applicants will need to leverage file-sharing and communications platforms such as SharePoint, Google Docs, and Dropbox that facilitate collaborative work, allow real-time edits and instant feedback and make in-person meetings possible. They may also use tools and management techniques to monitor staff members who are new to remote working to keep them accountable and ensure they are working as if they were in the office.

Recruiting Outside the Box

If recruiters, hiring managers, and job applicants start to rely more heavily on video, phone calls, and online work from home, hiring may feel less personal. One way to prevent this from happening is to leverage your employee referral program and tap into your existing talent network and candidate pool. In most cases, these people are former employees, great candidates who were not a perfect fit for a job they applied for, and friends and family of current employees. You should also empower employees to share employment opportunities on social media as well as reach out to past applicants via email or phone.

Employee Support and Retention

Only 55% of workers get paid time off, and many hourly workers in industries such as hospitality and foodservice lack protection outside of work. These employees tend to be lower-income and could be more vulnerable since they lack remote work options. Companies should be sensitive to the challenges these workers face, such as not feeling they can take time off or simply not being able to. In addition to taking coronavirus prevention measures such as providing hand sanitizer and wipes to reduce the spread of germs, organizations should consider temporary policies and online work from home programs where possible to protect hourly workers.

These are interesting times, and businesses worldwide are making adjustments to keep business operations on track and protect employees while maintaining hiring momentum, so they don’t miss opportunities to hire top candidates. Learn how video interviewing can help you keep up with your staffing needs while taking appropriate coronavirus prevention measures.

Please contact us to learn how eSkill‘s online assessment platform can help you improve and streamline your hiring process.

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