Advanced automation and cognitive technology are changing the hiring process for the better. Staffing agencies around the world now recognize how pre-employment skills tests can save valuable recruiting dollars and advance productivity. These pre-hire skill tests enable the hiring of employees that will create more value for constituents and enhance their professional satisfaction, increasing the retention rate.
Designing and operating a fast and efficient hiring system is critical to the sustained growth of Government staffing agencies. Traditional methods of screening applicants, such as resume based screening, telephone interviews, and face-to-face interviews are time consuming and expensive. Implementing the administration of eSkill’s pre-hire skills tests allows recruiters to select candidates quickly without compromising quality of hires.
According to a 2017 study by the Aberdeen Group, companies that have implemented pre-hire skills testing programs appropriately and effectively have saved time and money, while acquiring new-hires that are highly engaged and satisfied employees who exceed expectations. These companies are 24% more likely to have a high percentage of employees who exceed performance expectations, 17% more likely to have employees who rate themselves as highly engaged, and 36% more likely to be satisfied with new hires than businesses that do not utilize pre-employment testing. Pre-employment skills tests are revolutionizing the way companies are recruiting, and it imperative that Government staffing agencies join the changing times.
In 2017, Indeed had 37.5 million resumes uploaded to it’s U.S. site alone. That is an overwhelming amount of candidates for recruiters and hiring managers to effectively screen themselves. Pre-employment skills tests are one of the best ways to narrow a pool of candidates because when a prospective employee completes an online skills test they have already proven they are more committed to finding employment with your company, regardless of the test results, than their peers. Of course, the perfect candidate has to have the right skills, experience and personality fit, but they also have to be truly interested in working for the government organization you for which you are recruiting.
Administering pre-hire skills tests is a fast and effective way of identifying candidates that possess the skills needed to succeed in a particular role. It is imperative that the skills test administered match the skills and aptitude needed to excel in a position. Utilizing a trusted online platform, like eSkill, saves recruiters time. The skilled staff at eSkill are able to assist your recruiters in creating valid, customized job-relevant tests that will save you company time and money while mitigating the risk of mis-hires.
Skill tests quickly vet candidates who do not have the skills needed for a particular position and allow recruiters to weed out the majority of applicants quickly. A survey conducted by the American Management Association found that “Almost 90 percent of firms that test job applicants say they will not hire job seekers when pre-employment testing finds them to be deficient in basic skills.” With a strategic pre-employment skills testing process, recruiters can spend their time interviewing only the most qualified candidates. Not only does make the hiring process faster, but it can also increase accuracy in the selection of new hires.
When choosing a pre-employment assessment, it is critical to determine that the test is both valid and reliable in order to meet federal regulations. A pre-hire skills test needs to yield the correct results, an applicant who scores poorly on the pre-hire skills test should also perform poorly on the job and vice versa, otherwise, the test is not valid. For a test to be reliable, an individual most get about the same score each time the individual takes the test.
Ensuring compliance is not a simple task; that is why it is advantageous to employ the skilled staff at eSkill to assist your company in creating valid, customized job-relevant tests. Not only is the support team available to your company 24/7, but it is also available to your test takers. With more than 15 years of experience and a perfect Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) compliance, eSkill makes it easy to administer valid and reliable tests to potential candidates.
Conducting interviews and checking references takes time. To streamline this process, today’s Government staffing agencies are automating the early stages of the screening process. Pre-employment testing is a critical element. It helps companies ensure candidates are suited for a job before taking the time to conduct an interview. eSkill is a trusted pre-employment assessment platform and has helped hundreds of Government agencies administer skills tests, including the State of Colorado and the State of Mississippi.
Learn more about the benefits of using eSkill’s skills tests to find qualified Government candidates quickly.
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