Remote work is not a trend—it is here to stay. And it is growing at an unprecedented rate. Global Workplace Analytics predicts 25 to 30 million U.S. employees will regularly work from home within the next two years, up significantly from the reported 5 million remote U.S. workers just before the coronavirus outbreak. With remote work skyrocketing, companies need to improve and change their recruitment process to match the expectations of remote workers and compete with other businesses to secure the best candidates.
Nowadays, recruiters must leverage technologies powered by automation tools to streamline online hiring processes. Adding automation to recruitment processes helps organizations reduce the hiring costs, improve their organization’s talent profile, increase productivity, actively engage remote workers, and decrease the time needed to acquire new talent.
Identifying quality talent is a top priority for most businesses and specifically for recruiters. It is critical to find candidates who have the right skills and experience to support the goals of the business. While recruitment has always focused on finding skilled candidates and matching them to open positions, technology, like eSkill’s hiring automation platform can identify candidates faster and more accurately than ever before. Best of all, the evaluation of candidates can take place anywhere and anytime.
eSkill’s video interviewing software, and customizable online skills tests allow companies to automate hiring tasks and workflows, increasing recruiter productivity, accelerating time-to-fill, and reducing cost-per-hire.
Streamline the Hiring Process with Skills Tests
With technology-facilitated hiring tools, employers can assess a global talent pool of remote workers directly and automatically. Through eSkill’s cutting-edge technologies, candidates can validate their level of fluency in relevant skills quickly and easily. This enables candidates to apply for roles they might not have been considered for due to geographical, biographical, or educational constraints.
While skills testing takes a huge leap towards nearly eliminating bias, reduction of interview bias is another step forward in opening career pathways to a wide array of candidates, especially those with underrepresented backgrounds. eSkill’s pre-recorded one-way video interviews are structured to maintain objectivity because all candidates answer the same questions in the same order and are consistently scored on pre-determined criteria.
Bias is reduced further with eSkill’s technology-enabled team scoring feature. An HR administrator can assign multiple members of a hiring team to view and score interview responses individually. Scores are then aggregated so the team can get a 360-degree view of each candidate.
Automation Drives Candidate Engagement
While companies want more predictive accuracy in their recruitment process, remote applicants want to feel engaged. With eSkill’s automation tools, recruiters can automate candidate reach to create an engaging experience and spend more time top contenders.
eSkill’s hiring tools streamline communication with candidates by automatically sending personalized candidate messages and adapting the next steps in the hiring funnel for candidates based on their test scores. eSkill’s innovative hiring solutions are designed for organizations that want to accelerate the search for remote talent. The ability to run a nearly “hands-free” recruitment process with predictive accuracy enables businesses to make better hiring decisions while keeping candidates engaged.
Multimethod Approaches Can Best Match Candidates to Jobs
In the traditional assessment landscape, multimethod approaches to evaluating candidates were time-consuming and laborious to create. However, with eSkill Author, eSkill’s user-friendly, interactive test selection and customization tool, administering a multimethod approach to identify candidates’ skills, knowledge, and behavioral characteristics is a much easier more streamlined process.
eSkill’s hiring technologies are geared towards automation, enabling the delivery, and scoring of multiple assessment throughout the recruitment process. eSkill offers hundreds of combinable and customizable job-related and subject-related skills tests and behavioral and cognitive assessments. These assessments, along with eSkill’s pre-recorded one-way video interviews, allow recruiters to mix a variety of assessment methods to match job requirements precisely and to minimize the risk of a bad hire. Through the bundling of different assessment structures and content type, testing bias is reduced, candidate diversity is increased, and overall predictive capability is greatly enhanced.
The number of organizations recruiting remote workers will continue to grow increasingly over the next few years to come and with good reason. According to recent research by Gallup, remote work leads to highly engaged workplaces that can claim an increase of 21% in profitability and decrease the absenteeism rate by 41%.
To meet the needs of organizations, recruiters must rely on automation technology. eSkill’s suite of hiring tools reduces the amount of time and effort needed in the recruitment process and enables companies to make better hiring decisions consistently and without bias.
Learn more about the benefits of using eSkill’s skills tests, behavioral assessments, and video interviewing platform to find qualified candidates quickly.
Request a demo today.