Hiring People Disabilities 2

Hiring people with disabilities has been in the news of late, since new U.S. federal rules for government contractors set a goal that 7 % of employees should fall into this category, and a recent report from the National Governor’s Association encouraged states to employ more of the 54 million people with disabilities in the U.S. But what does it mean for your company?

Whether the new regulations affect your company or not, they put the spotlight on the importance of having a diverse work force and avoiding discrimination of any kind. A Harvard –based nonprofit organization called Project Implicit offers a free test on its website to help people become more aware of social biases they may hold but not be aware of. It can be eye-opening to take a test at https://implicit.harvard.edu. If you are not aware of your biases, how can you change them?

Many hiring managers shy away from the idea of hiring people with disabilities, thinking that it will be expensive to adapt the workplace to their needs or that they may be less able than other hiring candidates. In fact, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) specifically states that for individuals to be protected under it they need to meet all of the job requirements. And many people with disabilities don’t require any specific company adaptations. If they do, there are tax benefits available, including a Disabled Access Credit that reimburses small companies for expenses related to accessibility as well as expanded tax credits for hiring disabled veterans.

With unemployment at 14.7 percent for people with disabilities, almost double the rate for the general population, there are a lot of qualified people out there who are not getting hired. And rather than approaching it as some kind of charity, many companies are finding that hiring people with disabilities is good for the bottom line, with staffing benefits like greater loyalty to the company and less turnover.

Some of the benefits of hiring people with disabilities are harder to put your finger on. A diverse workplace fosters a more open culture that encourages innovation. And if the company culture is built on inclusion, you may be surprised at how creative input may increase from all staff members, as well as the positive responses you may get from clients and customers.

The website of The National Organization on Disability (http://nod.org), offers resources for business leaders who want to build a more diverse workforce. Most companies are good at hiring without bias, and regardless of sex, race, age, or disability. Putting some extra effort and thought into discovering any biases you may hold and looking into the resources that are available can help you increase diversity at your company. It’s the law and it makes good business sense.


  • Ryley Parks says:

    I wonder if hiring people with disabilities will increase loyalty for the company. Will these people be better tied with the hiring company out of fear of not being able to get a job elsewhere, or purely because they will just appreciate the opportunity to work?

  • Samantha Rogers says:

    It’s not really a question of why should you hire disabled people, but more a question of why not? I’m sure they will increase productivity and retention number, just because they will appreciate the opportunity to work. Plus, I’m certain that they always feel like they have to prove themselves to be at least the equal of a person without disabilities.

  • Ray says:

    I’m happy to find out about the Disabled Access Credit, because I was wondering how a small company would afford to hire somebody that can’t move around properly and needs ramps to get everywhere. In the small town that I live in, there are quite a few people moving around in wheelchairs, but can’t get into any of the stores, or other of their own building where they built ramps out of their own pockets.

  • Laura Cobbles says:

    People with disabilities usually form the most loyal and reliable employees, because they appreciate the opportunity you give them very much. But the real challenge is to find the right job for the right employee. People with disabilities want to enjoy what they do and not only perform the task they’re able to.

  • Carrie says:

    Physical disabilities aren’t the same as mental disabilities, moreover physically disabled people may appear to be the brainiest as their mind is the only way they can stand out with. These people tend to find creative solutions to the problems, as it’s what they’ve been doing all their life.

  • Stanley Wilden says:

    Lots of employers are afraid to hire disabled people because they think it’ll involve extra patience and attention as well as expenditure on special accommodation and increased use of sick time. But as people with disabilities are more persistent they don’t throw the toys out of the pram because of office conditions, which, by the way, rarely need any special alteration.

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