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In 2008, Apple debuted the iPhone 3G and Tesla Motors introduced us to their super-fast electric car, the Tesla Roadster. Yeah, that’s been over a decade already!  You have probably never considered how these innovations could impact the workplace, yet they have.  So, how have they changed work today?

There is a direct correlation between the iPhone and today’s handheld devices or mobile units used in the workplace for point of sales, inventory management, internal and external communications, in addition to countless other applications.  Tesla’s groundbreaking work with electric motors and instinctive automated features have sparked the imagination of several companies pushing them to think outside the box and create even more intuitive technologies, efficient electric motors as well as further pushing the boundaries and possibilities of technology.

Thoughtful leadership means always thinking of ways to craft the perfect blend of human skills and machine capabilities to create a workforce and culture that looks forward to technological advancements.  Providing employees with cutting edge equipment, systems, software and gadgets is not only the responsibility of HR but the entire organization, however, it tends to fall in HR’s lap.  That is not necessarily a bad thing, for instance, whenever there is a new technology that could ensure safer operations, increased performance, and improved quality then HR should investigate and perform the necessary due diligence to determine if that new technology can be integrated into the organization’s daily operations.

Human resource professionals are often inundated with administrative and employee relations issues which leaves little time to research the latest HR technology trends thus making it difficult for HR to stay abreast and informed.  Which is why HR leaders must insist on having the time and resources to scan the technological landscape. One of the simplest ways to remaining current and updated is by attending one or two leading technology conferences.

Did you know that there are more than 50 annual technology conferences? Each one offering something new that could be incorporated into your workplace, depending on your business model.  Some of the most popular tech conferences are South by Southwest (SXSW), the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), and UNLEASH but there are others like the Computer Science Summit (CS Summit) and HR Tech.  These conferences feel more like events with demonstrations, keynote speakers, celebrity guest entertainers with tens-of-thousands of attendees, all looking to the top tech producers and innovators to help them recruit, attract, and acquire employees or to simply spark creativity through their revolutionary and transformative technologies.

We could not write about HR tech trends without sharing some examples of technologies to we believe you should consider in 2019?  You may have heard of some of these however they are now gaining momentum and traction as a possible solution to workplace issues.

5 notable technologies for HR tech trends to consider implementing in 2019:

Wearable Technology – The idea of wearing technology is not new but it is trendy, and the roles and capabilities are everchanging. Workers are more comfortable with the idea of wearing technology today than in the past.  Companies have started to introduce chips on badges and uniforms and even bracelets.  This sort of tech can track an employee’s whereabouts, their entry and exit points, as well as monitor their health.

Blockchain – Blockchain is associated with cryptocurrency however the concept of creating a system or chain which is verified and agreed upon by experts could assist HR with payroll, industry certifications, and even skill assessments testing.

Recruiting Automation – Automating the recruiting process has been met with some backlash as some feel automation removes the “human” element from the process, however, larger corporations have experienced an increase in the quality of candidates by using automated recruiting software.  The market is growing and predicted to reach $2.7 billion by 2022!

Coding (Predictive Analysis) – HR professionals often wonder how can coding help HR?  There are plenty of answers, one of them is that coding can help predict and reduce employee turnover and increase retention.  Coders can develop programs to extrapolate HR data and interpret the results to help HR determine who is most likely to resign based on several engagement factors.

Robotics/Exosuits – Millions of workers perform manual labor in manufacturing environments every day.  Exosuits can help workers who build automobiles, office buildings, and other structures.  Exosuits are a form of robotics and may be a great solution in reducing Worker’s Compensation claims, physical injuries, muscle fatigue and eliminating accidents, fatalities, and lawsuits.

And, depending on the type of work, you may want to consider using drone technology, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Augment Reality.

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