Reskilling for Success: Adapting Your Workforce to the Challenges of Tomorrow

Upskilling and reskilling have become popular workforce development strategies because businesses are having difficulty recruiting qualified employees. The worldwide talent shortage is part of the reason hiring has become more challenging. However, the main reason is we have a massive skills misalignment because applicants do not have the skills companies need. Companies worldwide report having […]

Upskilling Your Employees: A Step-By-Step Guide for Success

Organizations need to hire top talent to fill critical job roles. However, this has become increasingly difficult. One reason is we are experiencing a global talent shortage, but the main reason is we have a huge skills “misalignment” because applicants do not have the skills employers need. Around 10 years ago, many organizations upgraded technology […]

A Comprehensive Roadmap for Upskilling Your Team

Upskilling has become a hot topic worldwide. Technology is constantly evolving, and the marketplace has become extremely competitive. So, organizations must provide employees with the resources to update their skills. Multinational giants like Verizon, McDonald’s, Google, Wal-Mart, and Marriott International have invested billions in upskilling programs to help staff members learn new skills, improve existing […]

Unlock the Power of Upskilling: A Guide

As a business leader, you need to hire skilled talent. However, if your company is like most, your HR team finds it challenging to recruit qualified candidates to fill critical jobs across your organization. The worldwide talent shortage is part of the reason hiring has become more difficult. However, the biggest problem is a massive […]

Mechanical Knowledge and Predicting Success in Technical Roles

Hiring teams are finding it challenging to recruit qualified technical talent. Companies have upgraded technology and implemented digital transformation initiatives. Applicants’ skills have not kept pace, and the result is a skills mismatch that affects virtually every industry. Since hiring has become so competitive, organizations have implemented employment testing solutions and use mechanical reasoning tests […]

Mechanical Comprehension and Key Indicators of Workforce Performance

The hiring environment has become very challenging during the past few years. According to a National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) survey, 65% of business leaders say attracting and retaining qualified employees is one of their toughest business challenges. Another NAM study forecasts that by 2030, 2.1 million manufacturing jobs will not be filled due to a […]

Mechanical Aptitude Tests: A Powerful Tool for Recruiting Top Candidates

Businesses are struggling to recruit technical talent. Applicants’ abilities have not kept up with technological advancements, and there is a shortage of qualified applicants for many jobs. According to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) survey, 65% of business leaders say attracting and retaining top employees is one of their top business challenges. Another NAM […]

The Top 5 Skills to Assess in a Basic Excel Assessment Test for Entry-Level Jobs

Microsoft Excel® is the most popular computer application for business use. This is not surprising because virtually all employees must compile, manage, and store information. Using spreadsheets allows employees to quickly organize data and create presentations that enable colleagues and stakeholders to understand it easily. Managers also use Excel to develop sales forecasts, financial reports, […]

Maximizing the ROI of Your Excel Proficiency Testing

The digital revolution has touched organizations in every industry. Computer skills are now a “must have” instead of a “nice to have” for most jobs. About 20 years ago, 44% of U.S. jobs required medium-high digital skill levels. Fifteen years later, 70% of jobs required good computer proficiency. A 2023 National Skills Coalition study shows […]

Using Excel Skills Tests to Reduce Hiring Errors: A Comprehensive Guide

Digitalization has touched every industry, and computer proficiency is now a must-have skill for many jobs. In 2002, 44% of U.S. jobs required medium- to high-level digital skills. By 2016, that number had increased to 70%. A 2023 National Skills Coalition study shows that 92% of jobs now require computer skills. Microsoft Office® is acknowledged […]
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