5 Ethical Hiring & Work Decisions That Can Save You Millions

With the average cost of employment litigation topping about $150,000, ethical hiring and employment decisions are not only essential to keep your workplace culture moving in a positive direction but also to keep your company profitable and in the black. That figure doesn’t include preparing statements, negotiations, and representation. With costs in employment litigation lawsuits […]

The Elephant in the Office: The Skills Gap

Human capital, a company’s largest asset and also expense, is the modern corporate chicken-and-egg dilemma.  While companies spend millions or even billions of dollars building an employer brand or recruiting to fill open positions, they are just filling a leaky bucket as good employees leave organizations, hurting company productivity and earnings more than ever before. […]

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Verbal Communication Skills

The deadline is quickly approaching and you want to get your hands on the report to ensure that all the numbers and data are in line, the analysis is on target, and that all the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted.  You are stressed in your job to the max.  You stop by […]

How to Create Outstanding Customer Service

A lot of companies claim to be customer focused today. But what does that really mean? It entails going beyond the standard “the customer is always right” mentality, in order to exceed customer expectations. Being customer-focused today depends on providing outstanding customer service. While a satisfied customer may return, he or she may also go […]

The Generation Divide in Workplace Communication We Face as Managers

With four generations active in the workforce, communicating effectively with each individual in his or her preferred style is one of a manager’s many challenges. We’ll take a look at each generation’s preferred method, and how to develop a communication strategy to satisfy each employee in his or her own unique way. The oldest generation […]

Five Essential Qualities to Look for in Customer-Facing Employees

The customer-facing position is the most critical role in the service environment. Currently, about 27% of jobs, from retail to restaurant, fall into this category. As a hiring manager, you know that turnover can be high in these positions and employee morale can be low. To keep good candidates from leaving your workplace, it’s important […]
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