Don’t DIY Your Employment Tests

Like many HR pros, I have lived the “Skilled Labor Hard to Find” headlines.  At one company, we had a hard time finding employees with strong math and computer skills. The HR team set out to “solve” this gap by analyzing our locations: Which had high turnover? Low turnover? Which was most productive? Which had […]

How to Stop Candidates from Gaming the Interview Process

Breaking News! People lie during job interviews. Some companies also lie during job interviews, but we’re not discussing lies, per say, today, we are discussing “gaming the interview.” You may be wondering what that even means. Well, gaming the interview happens when a candidate doesn’t flat out lie yet gives a response that can be […]

Valid Testing Lowers the Risk of Discrimination Suits

What is the purpose of an employment test? The answer: to reduce the number of candidates for a position, thus making the selection process more manageable. Unfortunately, using an improper test will potentially make the process more biased and put the organization using the improper test at risk for litigation if the test is proven […]