Promote Your Company and Build Your Brand
Customize your testing page to match your company’s color scheme and add your logo to customize the look and feel. Choose from among the following branding and customization options.
Branding and Customization Options
Add Your Logo
Your logo will appear on the welcome page candidates see when they login to take an assessment, on your internal test center pages, on the results page they receive, and on the reports you generate.
Custom Colors
Customize your test screens, headers, footers and icons using your brand identity and corporate color scheme to ensure a consistent candidate experience.
White Label
Provides a branded testing experience with your company color theme, and only your name and logo appear with no mention of eSkill.
Custom Fields
Ask candidates to provide additional information such as their location, and citizenship status when they login to complete assessements.
Personalized Email Messages
Personalize the text of invitation and confirmation e-mail messages you send to candidates and save them as templates.
Your Brand Name Only
Set up your testing center page so official notices and URLs, copyright credentials, privacy policy, terms of use, and feedback include your company name only.
Looking for More?
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Why eSkill
eSkill provides the most relevant and valid pre-employment assessment tests for skilled jobs.
How it Works
Small business and enterprise solutions for evaluating candidates’ skills quickly, easily, and accurately.
Integrate Your System
Already have an ATS, LMS or HRIS system? Learn how to integrate eSkill with your existing systems.