How to Use Skills Tests to Hire Better Mechanical Engineers

Did you know that hiring a single employee costs over $4,000 on average? This price means that you throw thousands down the drain every time you choose the wrong candidate. However, the costs associated with bad hires go far beyond recruiting and training expenses. According to Harvard research, toxic employees can ruin company culture, crush […]

How to Use Pre-Hire Electrical Engineering Skills Tests to Streamline Recruiting

As you have undoubtedly experienced first-hand, the electrical engineering profession faces a worrisome talent shortage. Unfortunately, the impact of this shortage will likely be exacerbated as the demand for electrical engineers continues to grow. According to BLS data, there will be a yearly need for over 20,000 additional electrical and electronics engineers by 2030. While […]

Skills Engineers Need to Be Successful and How to Test for Them

Are you interested in improving your hiring and screening practices so that you can zero in on top software test engineering applicants? Are you tired of spending thousands to recruit, hire, and train new employees, only to have them resign a few short months later? Need to alleviate the burden on your human resources staff […]

Pre-Hire Skills Tests to Hire Qualified Engineers

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for civil engineers is approximately 8% growth per year through 2030. This growth rate represents 25,300 new civil engineering jobs. However, many of these jobs are projected to go unfilled because there are not enough engineers to meet the growing demand. As a […]