What is evergreen job posting?

Evergreen jobs are a position at your organization that are always open, either because they are high turnover positions or, more likely, because they are positions for which you have many employees in the same role. As a hiring manager, you are constantly chasing candidates for this role, spending hours interviewing, qualifying, and finding job […]

4 Ways HR Technology and Testing Tools Help HR & Recruiters Hire Better

In the 1990s, technology brought recruiter-centric automation to the sourcing and recruitment world. This new technology gave recruiters the power to parse resumes based on a full set of criteria, including keywords and semantics. It eliminated the need to spend hours upon hours sifting through hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes trying to find the […]

5 Steps to Identify an Organizational Skills Gap, and Where to Begin

As the workplace evolves, employees are being charged with learning new skills, developing old skills, and learning to be proficient in all areas across the board. Workplace efficiency could mean combining two jobs into one, even if a current employee lacks a certain skill, or expanding the job role of one individual to prevent a […]

The Importance of Job Simulation in Hiring Quality Candidates

Industries like call centers, transportation, finance, and banking can benefit from job simulation testing during the candidate interview process. We’ll discuss some best practices in using job simulation testing and how it can improve employee retention, performance, and the overall quality of hire. The benefits to hiring well are decreased costs all around, from human […]

The Importance of Numerical Reasoning

The ability to think critically and use numerical reasoning skills has become much more important in the workforce in recent years. To that end, psychometric testing can be a big help in determining whether a given individual has what’s needed for a specific position, by measuring the following applicant characteristics: Skills Abilities Personality types Numerical […]

The Elephant in the Office: The Skills Gap

Human capital, a company’s largest asset and also expense, is the modern corporate chicken-and-egg dilemma.  While companies spend millions or even billions of dollars building an employer brand or recruiting to fill open positions, they are just filling a leaky bucket as good employees leave organizations, hurting company productivity and earnings more than ever before. […]

What I Learned at Build-a-Bear Workshop

A couple of weeks ago I took my almost-four-year-old to the mall, and I did it all for love. One of Ryleigh’s favorite places is Build-A Bear Workshop. The customer service is fantastic, and they create a “wow” experience for her. Since she is a typical indecisive preschooler, we spent nearly 20 minutes selecting the […]

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills

  Understanding the Difference Between Hard Skills & Soft Skills in Pre-Employment Testing I remember my first encounter with pre-employment testing. I was terrified and sweating bullets. Having just taken the GMAT, I did not know what to expect, and no one bothered to tell me how, what, or even why I was taking the […]

Building a Pipeline is More than a Pipe Dream

“Pipe dreams” refer to the visual hallucinations that occur after smoking a pipe full of opium. Despite the term’s origins, today, people refer to a pipe dream as an impossible goal. For many a recruiter with a bare pipeline, finding the tricks to keeping it full and flush may seem like a pipe dream. Fear […]

How to Create Outstanding Customer Service

A lot of companies claim to be customer focused today. But what does that really mean? It entails going beyond the standard “the customer is always right” mentality, in order to exceed customer expectations. Being customer-focused today depends on providing outstanding customer service. While a satisfied customer may return, he or she may also go […]

Candidates with Klout Score Under 35 Need Not Apply

Pre-Employment Assessments Offer Companies Hiring Social Media Managers an Alternative to Klout. Hiring is hard. It’s even harder when recruiting and interviewing for positions requiring skill sets and qualifications unfamiliar to the hiring manager. This is especially true with positions that elicit lots of response, such as a social media or community manager. A job […]
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