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Customer overview

Sitel Group combines comprehensive customer care capabilities with unparalleled digital, training, and technology expertise to help build brand loyalty and improve customer satisfaction. The company is located in 27 countries and has more than 400 clients.

Business challenge:

Sitel Group needs to see the relationship between candidates’ cognitive skills and their capacity to get a license to sell insurance.


Thirty-eight Sitel employees completed both the General Reasoning Ability Assessment, which, as the name suggests, measures reasoning ability; and the Wave 40, an assessment used to qualify individuals for a license to sell insurance.

Benefits at a glance

Sitel found that candidates scoring 80% and above passed their post-training test on the first attempt. Candidates who scored between 60-79% passed the test on the second attempt. Those scoring less than 60% were unable to pass the post-training test after three attempts.

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