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This case study’s subject is a dynamic and innovative company specializing in high-quality promotional products. With a strong commitment to helping organizations promote their brand in unique and effective ways, it is a trusted partner for companies across various industries. Its extensive catalog of customizable items and exceptional customer service ensures that its clients can effectively communicate their brand message to the desired audience.

Customers can show their team spirit, create swag for an event, or brand items with anything from towels to apparel to outdoor gear – and everything in between.

The Situation

The company grappled with a significant operational bottleneck in its call center – its hiring process. Despite their efforts, they were consistently missing the mark on hiring the right call center agents, a big miss that cost the company time, money, and efficiency.

Their existing call center recruitment process needed better results. The company was looking to decrease the time required to screen candidates, hire better-qualified call center agents, and reduce the number of hiring mistakes.

As an enterprise, it continually faced a double challenge of finding qualified candidates and speeding its hiring process. It was a persistent obstacle in the way of its call center success.

The Solution

Seeking a decisive edge in its recruitment process, the company turned to eSkill for its renowned employment assessments and skills testing solutions.

One of the compelling factors that led them to this decision was eSkill’s reputation for reliability.

By choosing eSkill’s Talent Assessment PlatformTM, the company accessed an array of call center skills tests designed to gauge candidate qualifications accurately and efficiently. These skills assessments, meticulously crafted to evaluate skills pertinent to their call centers, allowed the company to sift through its candidate pool more effectively, identifying the candidates who could do the job.


Relying on eSkill’s proven skills assessments, the promotional product company was able to streamline its hiring process, boosting operational efficiencies.

With eSkill, it gained a platform that supercharged its recruitment process, enhancing its ability to attract and select the best talent in the industry.

Moreover, the implementation process for their call center was seamless. eSkill’s user-friendly skills testing platform was intuitive and straightforward, enabling the company to utilize it to its full potential without additional support. The ease of use meant that the team could focus more on the selection process than navigating the tool, further streamlining their operations.

The Results

Adopting eSkill’s Talent Assessment PlatformTM yielded dramatic and immediate results for the company. Their hiring times for call center staff were cut in half, dropping from fifteen to just seven days. This streamlining saved time and resources and enabled them to rapidly bring in better talent to their call center. eSkill’s skills tests allowed them to hire more reliably and successfully.

Furthermore, the company discovered that candidates assessed with eSkill’s skills tests showed superior job performance compared to those hired without such testing. The validity and reliability of the test results allowed for the selection of candidates who were truly qualified, thereby enhancing productivity and overall job performance within the company.

Encouraged by the success of the eSkill call center skills testing solution, the company is now considering the further application of eSkill’s vast skills test library in their training programs. They will use eSkill’s skills tests to identify gaps in call center agent abilities, customize training, and re-test for improvement. Being able to use eSkill’s call center skills tests not just for hiring but also for improving call center training makes the investment in eSkill’s solutions even more valuable. eSkill improved the company’s call center hiring process and influenced its staff development and retention approach.

In conclusion, through eSkill, the company achieved a faster, more efficient call center hiring process and superior call center employee performance. As a result, they are moving forward with the eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM for other roles.

Click HERE to view Case Study. Request a demo to learn how implementing eSkill’s call center skills tests, can help you identify and hire qualified contact center agents in less time.

“Our hiring managers utilize the results from eSkill to select top talent.”

– Senior Director of Company Human Resources


AJM Packaging Chose eSkill for Clerical Skills Test