Are Job Boards Outdated?

Have job boards outlived their usefulness? Most recruiters agree that they can be helpful in certain situations, but others say the job board is dead and new social recruiting techniques have replaced them. The amount of competition between job boards makes them ineffective, since posting a job listing on each and every popular job board […]

Hiring for Finance and New Markets

As the economy continues to recover, companies across the spectrum are ramping up their recruiting efforts to fill many of the positions that were lost in the downturn. One field on the upswing now is the banking industry. During the financial crisis when many banks were going under, massive layoffs and firings were happening every […]

Talent Management: A Recruiter’s Best Tool

When you’re swamped with resumes for each position, the task of sorting through the candidates can be overwhelming, and it can take up as much time as you’ll give it. You may end up ruling out qualified candidates simply because you don’t have time to assess their abilities or keep track of the number of […]

Software to Make Your Job Easier and More Productive

Human Resource professionals use a wide range of software these days in their everyday activities. The range of tasks involves everything from recruiting to payroll, and having targeted software support allows you to develop robust business strategies. Widely-used human resource software such as ATS systems, talent networks, and others allow HR professionals to do their […]

Making Events Work for Your Company

Every company has countless moving parts, from development to production to marketing. Part of a company’s success depends on how well it manages to sell its image to the world and raise awareness about its products or services, news, and developments among key stakeholders and the public alike. One way to accomplish this is through […]

Hiring Employees Overseas. Tips for Making a Global Team Work Effectively

The world is shrinking. Technology has made it possible for companies to operate across the world, with branches and employees in different countries working together in a global market. Technology has also made it easier for employees to work remotely. Broader internet and phone access make it possible for employees to communicate with one another […]

How Pre-Screening Can Help with the Recruiting Process

According to a recent report by the Society of Human Resources Management, 53% of all job applications contain inaccurate information. Pre-screening employees not only helps you weed out those who exaggerate on their applications, it also helps you get a better sense of candidates’ skillsets, character, attitude, and overall personality. These are just a few […]

Is the Decline in STEM Talent Affecting Hiring in the U.S.?

According to a recent study by Kelly Outsourcing and Consulting Group, the United States currently ranks 12th in the race for STEM jobs—those in science, technology, engineering, and math—globally. STEM workers in the United States are a part of an increasingly global economy of innovation, yet the number of qualified workers in these industries is […]

The Best Career Advice I’ve Ever Been Given

One of the worst nightmares for an HR person is when people start to leave the company in groups. I have experienced this phenomenon three times in my career. In one of the companies I worked for the turnover rate reached almost 50%! I’ve been in situations when competitive companies poached the entire division, from […]

Work out an Ideal Hiring Process to Boost Efficiency

With economic pressures tightening and competition becoming stiffer, an increasing number of organizations are realizing that the core strength of a company lies in its people. Companies are therefore strategizing to hire smart, to ensure that they have the assets needed to survive and succeed. But at the same time, many are looking to cut […]

Video Conferencing for Interviews

More and more, it seems like we’re living in the future. Technology continues to advance by leaps and bounds, providing opportunities to become more efficient and cost effective at work and at home. The advent of the Internet has changed everything, by connecting us to people not just across town, but across the world. In […]
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