Making Data-Driven Hires: The Value of Pre-Employment Testing

Every HR manager wants to recruit “perfect” candidates for their open roles, which has never been easy but has recently become very challenging. If you often feel like you are searching for a needle in a haystack, you are not alone. If you and your team are having difficulty recruiting top candidates, it’s because there […]

Predicting Future Performance with Pre-Employment Aptitude Tests

You strive to maximize productivity because your success, and often your survival, depends on your ability to develop and penetrate new markets, increase market share, and meet growth goals. According to the Harvard Business Review, top companies are over 40% more productive than their nearest competitors and have operating margins 30% to 50% higher than their […]

Avoid the Costs of Bad Hires by Using Pre-Employment Skill Testing

If you are like most HR managers, you dream of finding perfect candidates to fill all your job openings. However, this is challenging for two reasons. First, there is a lack of applicants with the skills you need today. This problem has been growing for the past decade, and companies are noticing that more and […]

Taking the Bias Out of Hiring with Pre-Employment Tests

Have you considered how diversity in hiring can impact your business? You should have, because industry experts agree that diversity, equity, and inclusion should be priorities for every business.   Diversity positively impacts business performance and leads to greater innovation and skill-sharing, as well as higher productivity and increased revenues. Diverse teams also make decisions that […]

What are the Three Most Common Types of Pre-Employment Testing?

The corporate landscape is more competitive than ever, and organizations are realizing the crucial role of their employees in driving success. Hiring the right talent is no longer just an HR function but a strategy that can significantly impact a company’s growth and prosperity. Traditional recruitment methods, while useful, may not always provide a comprehensive […]

What are the Disadvantages of Pre-Screening?

HR leaders across all industry sectors know how important it is to recruit top candidates. Their organization’s survival depends on it because companies need top-notch employees to compete effectively in today’s dynamic marketplace. Many HR professionals understand that pre-employment assessments are the best way to improve hiring outcomes. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), […]

What is Considered the Most Useful Tool for Evaluating a Candidate?

In today’s competitive job market, finding the right talent to fill crucial positions is a top priority for companies. Traditional recruitment methods often fall short in evaluating a candidate’s true potential and fit for a role. As a result, companies are turning to pre-employment assessment tools to gain deeper insights into job candidates’ abilities, skills, […]

Best Pre-Employment Assessments: What to Look For

HR leaders always look for better ways to recruit top talent and minimize hiring mistakes. Although labor markets are stabilizing, organizations are still coping with a talent shortage. Hiring mistakes are expensive, and they negatively impact productivity. Bad hires cost companies thousands of dollars annually. If a company terminates a manager who earns $62,000, it […]

What is a Pre-Employment Assessment Tool?

Good employees are the lifeblood of a business and are key to an organization’s ability to meet its goals and objectives. Hiring the right talent improves productivity and helps companies maintain their competitive edge. With the wrong talent, operations run inefficiently, and productivity suffers. This is why companies implement online pre-employment assessment test solutions to […]

How to Find the Best Pre-Employment Assessment Provider

We are amid an unprecedented talent shortage, and organizations worldwide are having trouble recruiting qualified candidates to fill critical job roles. So, it is essential to get hiring right the first time and avoid hiring mistakes. Hiring mistakes cost businesses thousands of dollars each year. If a manager who earns $60,000 is terminated after 2.5 […]

Which Pre-Employment Assessment Tests Help You Hire the Best Employees

The hiring process has become complicated because traditional recruiting tools are ineffective. HR teams used to rely on resumes, applications, and interviews. However, they cannot assume the information on candidates’ resumes and what they learn during interviews are accurate because over 85% of candidates lie on their resumes and during job interviews. Employers are also […]

How Customizing Pre-Employment Tests Helps You Make Better Hiring Decisions

Hiring mistakes cost the average company thousands of dollars each year. Research shows that if a company terminates a manager who earns $65,000 after 2.5 years of service, it costs around $840,000, including hiring expenses, salary, benefits, severance, reduced productivity, and loss of customer goodwill. The average employer incurs costs of around $240,000 to recruit […]
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