The Employer’s Guide to Developing a Skilled Manufacturing Workforce

Manufacturing is becoming increasingly automated. Over 2.7 million industrial robots are used in manufacturing and production facilities worldwide. These include fixed robotic arms, moving cobots (collaborative robots), and autonomous vehicles that move materials and finished goods. Nevertheless, humans are still needed to perform many jobs, and employers struggle to find qualified workers. According to the […]

Bridging the Skills Gap: How to Attract and Retain Top Talent in Manufacturing

Manufacturers are struggling to fill essential jobs. According to a National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) survey, 65% of business leaders say attracting and retaining top employees is one of their top business challenges. Businesses are having difficulty recruiting qualified candidates because there is a shortage of applicants with the needed manufacturing skills. During the past […]

Top Manufacturing Skills Tests Used by Growing Companies

The prospect of expanding your manufacturing company can be exhilarating. Growth is exciting, whether your expansion involves adding to your existing facility, purchasing a new building in another region, or merging with another manufacturing business. However, growing your business also entails overcoming several significant challenges. Some of these hurdles include reorganizing your infrastructure, maintaining clear […]

Use These Manufacturing Skills Tests for Better Hiring and Training

It’s no secret that the manufacturing industry is an integral part of the US economy. Manufacturers account for over one-tenth (11.39%) of the US’s total economic output. By the end of 2018 alone, the manufacturing industry had a total production of $2.33 billion. With the manufacturing industry being such a lucrative market, finding quality candidates […]

Manufacturing Skills Shortage? Use Skills Tests to Fill Gaps

While you are likely aware of the growing manufacturing skills gap and shortage of qualified workers, you may not realize just how severe the problem has become. According to The Manufacturing Institute, the U.S. could experience roughly 2.1 million unfilled manufacturing jobs by 2030. Naturally, this manufacturing skills shortage will hurt individual companies and the […]

Why Aptitude Tests for Manufacturing Jobs Are So Important

In a recent study, researchers predicted that nearly two and a half million manufacturing-related positions would go unfilled over the next ten years. This trend is creating a major skills gap. As a result, manufacturing companies are scrambling to find quality candidates to fill vacancies within their organizations. Unfortunately, this mad dash to hire candidates […]

Manufacturing Recruiting: How to Measure Hard Skills for Better Hires

Candidates who can promptly respond to interview questions and exhibit strong interpersonal skills are certainly appealing during the hiring process. But being a strong interviewee does not guarantee that a candidate will perform their job according to expectations. This disconnect is especially true when you are seeking candidates to fill roles within the manufacturing industry. […]

Why Manufacturing Skills Tests Improve Training Outcomes

With an ever-increasing skills gap and massive demand for consumer products, manufacturing companies struggle to find enough qualified employees to fill vacant positions. Your organization may have even encountered this problem firsthand. Overcoming such a widespread challenge requires a multifaceted approach. To be successful, you need to refine your hiring practices, but you cannot forget […]

How to Use Skills Tests to Measure Manufacturing Skills Gaps

While organizations across every industry have difficulties finding qualified candidates, the manufacturing sector has been hit especially hard. The manufacturing skills gap is massive — and the problem is growing larger by the day. It can take months to find and hire skilled manufacturing employees who are qualified for a position. According to SHRM, the […]

Pre-employment Basic Industrial Skills Tests

In 2019, the U.S. unemployment rate dropped to a 50 year low, wavering only slightly from 3.5 percent to 4.0 percent. Meanwhile, the number of jobs in the industrial sector continues to trend up. In November, the industry added more than 8,000 warehousing, and storage jobs and manufacturing employment rose by 54,000, according to the […]
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