Can Skills Tests for Jobs Help You Build Your Dream Team?

Organizations nationwide across all industries are struggling to find the talent they need because of the talent shortage we are experiencing. So, a big question every HR professional is asking is how to attract qualified applicants with the right skills and experience. HR teams need a well-planned strategy to recruit and retain top talent in […]

Using a Job Skills Assessment to Increase Hiring Success in 2024

Hiring has become challenging because traditional recruiting tools are ineffective. HR teams used to rely on resumes, applications, and interviews. However, they cannot assume the information on candidates’ resumes and what they learn during interviews is accurate because over 85% of candidates lie on resumes and during job interviews. Employers are also having trouble finding […]

How Are Job Skills Tests Used in Hiring?

Improving hiring outcomes is a top priority for companies because they must find qualified candidates to fill critical jobs. Unfortunately, HR leaders are finding it is much easier said than done. Hiring has become a challenge for employers worldwide due to an unprecedented talent shortage that shows no sign of ending. According to a Korn […]