Which Soft Skills Are Most Important for Hiring and Training in 2022?

Is your company looking for ways to improve productivity, increase profitability, and maintain its competitive edge in 2022? Do you want to address the skills gap by improving your hiring practices and upskilling your staff? Are you interested in revitalizing your employee training soft skills program this year but unsure where to begin? If any […]

How to Improve Employee Soft Skills with Training

Like many organizations, your company has likely realized that soft skills are as valuable as job-specific abilities. Soft skills are important for leadership, employee well-being and for positive team dynamics. However, developing effective soft skills employee training can still be challenging. There are several reasons why . Most notably, many organizations struggle with soft skills […]

How Does Employee Well-Being Contribute to a Healthy Organization?

Have you been exploring ways to improve the health of your organization, protect business continuity, and drive higher profits? It would be best to examine the connection between employee well-being and organizational health. In recent years, numerous organizations have realized just how vital their teams’ well-being is to their organizations’ success. As such, they have […]

What Is Employee Well-Being and How Do Skills Impact It?

The concept of “employee well-being” was once a fringe topic that only the most forward-thinking employers addressed in their business models. However, employee well-being is now a well-established concept that directly connects to staff productivity, organizational health, and profitability. As a result, modern businesses are investing countless resources into well-being initiatives in hopes of helping […]

The Best Ways to Use Personality Tests for Employment

Losing just one employee can have a negative impact on an organization. When companies lose an employee, they lose experience that is difficult to replace as well as the time they invested in recruiting, onboarding, and training. Productivity declines and engagement and morale take a hit across the wider workforce when companies are left understaffed. […]

How Top Companies Use Employment Testing for Better Results

We are in the midst of a workforce revolution. Globalization and technology that is evolving at an exponential rate and historically low unemployment rates are forcing companies to reconsider their approach to talent acquisition and management. Individuals with capabilities that allow them to keep up with this rapid pace of change, such as problem-solving and […]

How to Avoid Workplace Bullying by Manager? Recognize these styles.

The word “bullying” usually summons thoughts of school-age kids behaving badly. But bullying does not stop with children. Unfortunately, while people get bigger, some never truly grow up, and they bring their childish antics with them when they enter the workplace. As a human resources professional, I can tell you that bullying occurs in the […]

The Art of Attentive Listening

Most people think that to become a good communicator they have to focus on becoming great speakers, but listening is just as important as speaking in the communication process. Whether you’re dealing with coworkers, managers, or clients, being a good speaker and a great listener are crucial workplace skills. Our ability to listen properly can […]

Task-oriented vs People-oriented Leadership Styles: Which is Better?

Leadership styles vary from person to person depending on how they provide direction, implement plans, and motivate people. In every facet of business, from international banking to your local corner store, leadership styles affect the mood and workflow. 83% of organizations say it is important to develop leaders at all levels. 43% of organizations top […]

What HR Needs to Know about Immigration to USA

If you pick up a newspaper, listen to any news show, or scan the internet, you will likely come across something about immigration to USA. Some hopeful immigrants strive to enter legally by conforming to regulations about appropriate visas. Others who may not have resources like time or money try to find illegal entry. Human […]

Gamify Healthcare Compliance to Motivate Employees to be Healthier

It’s no secret that healthy employees cost less. According to a recent Gallup poll, the cost of unhealthy employees is more than $153 billion annually in lost productivity. Gamification, introducing game-like elements and strategies, has been used in several different industries to help boost productivity and a company’s profit margin.  But if you’ve ever been […]

How Job Assessment Tests Speed Hiring for Staffing Firms

How long does your hiring process really take? When you consider that you have to analyze the job requirements, write and post the job ad, promote it on different platforms and social media, read hundreds of resumes, conduct interviews, run tests and carry out background checks, you’re looking at around 30 to 40 hours of […]
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