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Customer overview

OSF Digital is a dynamic service provider that specializes in Application Development and Technology Integration with over 550 employees around the world. Its headquarters are located in Quebec, Canada. OSF Digital has grown significantly since it was founded in 2003; carefully maintaining its trademark reliability while expanding all across the world. OSF has offices located in the U.S., Central America, Asia, and Europe

Business challenge

With such rapid growth in employee and client numbers, OSF Digital is confronted with several important business challenges:

1. Hiring competent employees while reducing time-to-hire

2. Assigning candidates to the best positions for their skills

3. Maintaining hiring quality with higher recruiting volumes across multiple countries.

A major challenge for the HR department is to select employees with the right technical skills and the can-do attitude necessary to meet these expectations.


In 2017, OSF Digital grew from 450 employees to 550 employees. The aggressive growth of the company – in terms of human resources and clients – required a dramatic improvement in the recruiting process speed and quality assurance.

Once OSF Digital identified all of their key job requirements for each job, they created a relevant multiple-subject test for each from eSkill’s test content, and finalized a library of tests in their test center. After administering the tests to both candidates and internal staff, HR was able to quickly identify who had all of the skills necessary for open positions.

This test took 30 minutes for the test-taker to complete and OSF needed only 1 hour to configure the test, administer it, and submit the answers per employee.

Results and benefits

OSF Digital’ HR Department experienced a significant transformation in regards to their selection process. eSkill tests enabled them to reach their aggressive recruiting targets by shortening the time dedicated to finding the right candidates from over 30 days to just 10-14 days, and by reducing screening costs by 64%.

  • The HR team starts by identifying the skills required for a specific position through a job analysis and a professional competencies analysis
  • Once all of the key requirements are identified, HR specialists use eSkill to develop multiple-subject tests for each of the open jobs. HR administers the tests to the candidates, and only call in those with the best scores for subsequent interviews

For example, when it comes to recruiting PHP programmers, HR determined that expertise in PHP should also be complemented by a strong knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and other popular frameworks. In addition, English skills are required to facilitate communication with international colleagues.

The breakdown

Here’s a breakdown of the savings from using eSkill for filling just one position, using an estimated hourly wage of $40/h for the company’s HR Manager.

Cost before eSkill:

HR Managers Needed = 1

Expertise Managers Needed = 1 (JavaScript, HTML)

Screening & Interview

• Read 100 résumés = 5h x $40/h = $200

• Phone 30 candidates = 10h x $40/h = $400

• Interview 5 candidates (x 2 managers) = 5 x 2 x $40/h = $400

Total Time and Monetary Cost without eSkill

• Time Spent = 25h

• Financial Impact = $1,000

Cost after deploying eSkill

HR Managers Needed = 1

Expertise Managers Needed = 1 (JavaScript, HTML)

• Skills Testing with eSkill (configure and send the tests) for 100 candidates = 1h x $40/h = $40/h

• Narrow Candidate Pool to 20 résumés = 1h x $40/h = $40/

• Phone 10 candidates = 3h x $40/h = $120

• Interview 2 candidates (x 2 managers) = 2 x 2 x $40/h = $160

Total Time and Monetary Cost with eSkill

• Time Spent = 9h

• Financial Impact = $360


By using eSkill in our HR selection and recruiting processes, we reduced the costs of the selection by 64% and the time spent on the process by 68%. The managers’ time was only spent on the very best candidates, and the repetitive résumé reading was eliminated completely.

For more information about OSF Digital, go to

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“Our strategic partnership with eSkill has most helped us in terms of recruitment for jobs which demand very specific and measurable skills, such as that of an IT programmer. The specifically targeted online assessments helped us set up entire teams of professional programmers who have taken our business to the next level and have contributed to establishing long-lasting business relationships with our clients.We found that administering eSkill tests offered all the information we needed when hiring, and was a great economic solution.”

Andreea Hrab, HR Director, OSF-Global Services

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