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eSkill was hired by a professional development and education company whose vision “is to become the most admired professional learning company in the world.” They partner with education and licensure programs that serve the real estate, health, finance, education, and appraisal industries. By engaging with this career development company, professionals are empowered to start or advance their careers and continue growing through education.

The Situation

Despite their mission of advancing peoples’ professional paths, internally this company was experiencing high employee attrition rates. Employee turnover rates were at 99%, making it nearly impossible to execute and realize a clear path toward their vision. The recruitment team found new hires had severely misrepresented themselves during the hiring process, while the hiring process itself needed fine-tuning of its own. The leadership team realized that if they wanted to help other professionals thrive, they needed to create an internally thriving culture. The decision was made to enhance the recruiting process with hiring assessments.

The Solution

After an enthusiastic recommendation from professional peers, the company’s team turned to eSkill and the eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM to assist in recruiting team members who were a good fit for the job and company culture. They were drawn to the extensive library of job skills tests and quickly got to work in implementing eSkill into their recruiting process.


The company’s team was able to implement eSkill’s hiring assessments without much assistance from the eSkill team but enjoyed knowing they could lean on their dedicated Client Success Manager at any time if needed. The eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM integrated easily with their ATS, Lever, and now the platform is fully integrated into their recruitment process. The team has found it easy to use, and they appreciate their ability to choose from various questions and job skills test categories to pinpoint the exact skill ability needed for their recruitment.


The company is on track to end 2023 with a 54% turnover rate, a dramatic 45% improvement from the 99% rate they’d experienced before integrating the eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM. With comprehensive reporting, the recruitment team says identifying which candidates are a fit is simple. Conversely, identifying opportunities to improve the recruiting process is easy, because the eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM readily offers solutions to any gaps in candidates or employees skills.

Click HERE to view Case Study. To learn how hiring assessments can help you reduce costly employee attrition rates, request a demo today.  

“The eSkill Talent Assessment Platform TM has given us the ability to quickly assess skill levels across various platforms in a simple, non-time-consuming way. It helped set the expectations of skill level to work within our company.”

– Erika Wagner, Customer Service Recruiter

Companies Who Trust eSkill's Solutions