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Encore Exchange was founded as a medical billing service in 1972 in Winston Salem, NC. After 50 years of successfully managing patient payment programs and revenue cycle integrations, it is recognized throughout the healthcare industry as an expert in patient communications and self-pay management.

Top healthcare institutions and medical centers nationwide rely on Encore Exchange’s services to improve patient communication, address workforce shortages, and provide their staff with the tools and technologies they need to provide top care and customer service.

The Situation

When Encore Exchange decided to evaluate employment assessment solutions, it had several goals in mind. HR team members wanted the ability to instantly measure applicants’ skills so they could complete the initial candidate screening process more efficiently, decrease time-to-hire, and minimize the risk of bad hiring decisions. Management wanted to add objectivity to hiring decisions to ensure the company was in compliance with local and federal regulations and reduce the company’s exposure to legal challenges.

Everyone agreed that the solution must allow recruiters to modify employment assessments to customize them to match each job role perfectly.

The Solution

After researching solutions, Encore Exchange decided the eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM was perfect for their needs. The HR team could select pre-prepared employment assessments from the eSkill Assessment Library or build custom assessments by choosing questions from multiple skills tests. They could set the difficulty level for questions in each subject and topic area and add their own questions if needed.

For instance, if they were hiring customer services representatives to work in the Contact Center and needed candidates with good sales skills who could answer questions about services the company offers, they could create an employment assessment using questions from the Sales Concepts, Negotiation Skills, Problem Solving, and Emotional Intelligence skills tests.


The eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM was so easy to use that Encore Exchange was able to integrate it with Centrally HR, their applicant tracking system (ATS), and begin using it the same day. Although recruiters were able to implement and use eSkill without assistance, they knew they could get assistance 24/7 if they had a question or problem. All they had to do was contact their Client Success Manager if they needed help setting up assessments or implementing a specific hiring strategy.

The Results

After implementing the eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM, Encore Exchange reduced time-to-hire by around 33%. It used to take hiring teams about three weeks to fill a position, and it now takes about two weeks. They also improved quality of hire because they could use employment assessment results to determine which candidates were best qualified for each job.

Encore Exchange also decreased applicant screening time by 67%. This gave the HR team more time to work on projects that were critical to company growth because they no longer had to spend hours manually reviewing resumes and scheduling screening interviews.

Hiring managers were also delighted when they found new employees could complete training and onboarding more quickly. The HR team could use new hires’ employment assessments to identify areas of strength and concentrate training in areas where the employee needed more help and coaching. This helped expedite orientation, and new hires could assimilate into their jobs more quickly.

The eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM has helped Encore Exchange streamline recruiting, improve quality of hire and ensure its hiring practices comply with local, federal, and industry regulations. As Barbara Halsey, Director of Client Experience, said, “Having an employment assessment tool such as eSkill helps us objectively evaluate candidates’ skills, competencies, and potential for success. It helps us make objective hiring decisions with a high level of confidence because we know candidates possess the skills and competencies suited that are required for jobs we need to fill.”

Request a demo to learn how employment assessments can help you streamline recruiting and improve quality of hire.

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