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Child Parent Centers, Inc. is a non-profit agency, based in Tucson, AZ, that delivers Head Start and related pre-natal and pre-school programs to families throughout southeastern Arizona. Its vision and goals are to create strong communities filled with successful families and children and ensure that all eligible families receive the education, health, nutrition, and family support services they need.

The Situation

Child Parent Centers was using an assessment tool to test clerical candidates, but it was obsolete, and the company stopped supporting it. So, they needed to choose another provider. Management also decided to use a computer skills assessment to evaluate existing employees’ technology proficiency and all new hires instead of only candidates for clerical positions.

The team decided to evaluate new assessment partners. Their goal was to find a solution that would allow them to improve hiring and training by decreasing the time required to screen candidates and identify internal technology training needs.

The Solution

Management evaluated several solutions and chose the eSkill Talent Assessment Platform because it offered a sound library of assessment topics and was easy for the staff to learn and use. It also provided a good experience for applicants since they could complete assessments from anywhere.

The team also felt eSkill offered them the best value. They liked having the option to choose pre-prepared assessments from the eSkill Assessment Library or select questions to create their own computer skills assessment. They loved that they could share assessment results electronically with the hiring authority
without having to scan a hard copy and create reports and charts that provided summaries of candidates’ scores.

The HR team set up eSkill quickly and began using it immediately to work toward their goal of improving hiring and training. If they had any problems or questions, they knew they could contact their dedicated Assessment Expert and get help promptly.

The Results

When Child Parent Centers implemented the eSkill Talent Assessment Platform, the HR team began executing its plan to use assessments to hire candidates for all positions. At this writing, they are only using assessments for one position as a pilot, but they have already seen a reduction in time-to-hire and have also found that they can identify top-quality candidates more efficiently.

As explained by Jileen Duarte, Recruitment and Onboarding Coordinator, “We had a difficult time recruiting top-quality candidates. Using eSkill results in conjunction with applicants’ interview responses has helped expedite hiring.”

After conducting the pilot assessment, the hiring authority quickly identified two candidates for their open positions. Both candidates demonstrated high computer proficiency, were hired, and are progressing well in their roles.

Child Parent Centers is also using the eSkill Talent Assessment Platform as a training and employment development tool, and its priority was to test computer proficiency.

As Robin Bundy, I.T. Director, explained, “We created a general computer skills assessment and issued it to all employees to get a baseline of their current skill level. Then, we will provide training and reassess them to evaluate their development. We require new hires to complete job-specific assessments, so we have a benchmark that shows us their current level of proficiency and where they need training. In the future, we will use their results to determine screening criteria for new hires.”

Please request a demo to learn how computer skills assessments and other skills-based assessments can help you improve hiring and training.

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