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This Concierge Staffing Service, which is part of a major food and facilities management brand, has mastered the art of gifting time by offering unparalleled personal assistance to its busy clientele. Their mission is to offload mundane tasks and streamline daily routines, enabling their clients to focus on what truly matters. The company’s diverse clientele ranges from executives to entrepreneurs, who all need to optimize time efficiency.

The Situation

Despite excelling in its primary domain of personal concierge services, the staffing company needed help with talent acquisition, specifically in finding great new hires with the requisite technical skills. This hurdle impacted their efficiency and led to additional time and resources spent on training to bridge the knowledge gaps.

While necessary, such training interventions were nevertheless detracting from the company’s core focus of providing seamless services to its clients. The situation demanded an effective solution to address these technical skill deficiencies without compromising the company’s commitment to exceptional customer service.

The Solution

In searching for a solution to overcoming the hiring tech skills gap, the staffing company considered eSkill and Criteria Corp, another pre-employment assessment company. After reviewing both companies’ offerings, they found that eSkill better met their needs. They found eSkill’s solution was easier to administer, the skills tests were easier to comprehend and utilize, and offered better quality results.

The two features that ultimately caused the company to choose eSkill were its seamless integration with its existing Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and its proficiency in assessing digital literacy – a key skill the company needed in its new hires. They enrolled with eSkill’s skills testing platform, with voice and video features, which proved to be a powerful all-in-one assessment solution for their technical competency assessment and training requirements.


The company found eSkill’s dedicated Client Success Manager very helpful when integrating the assessments with their ATS. Since the integration, they’ve expanded their eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM application beyond hiring new talent to identify knowledge gaps within their existing team to support high-potential and recently promoted employees

This forward-thinking approach bolstered the recruitment process and contributed to the growth and development of the company’s current workforce, maximizing the company’s overall productivity and performance.

The Results

The eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM implementation proved to be a game-changer for the company, evident in the striking improvements in their key metrics.

Before using eSkill, the company’s hiring process spanned an average of 43 days. Post-implementation, the time-to-hire was significantly reduced by a week to 36 days, leading to a more efficient recruitment process and faster fulfillment of roles.

More impressively the turnover rate declined significantly, by nearly 11%, dropping from 38.7% to 27.82%. This suggests a marked improvement in the quality of hires and their retention rate, attributable to the precise skill-matching facilitated by eSkill.

The company found that candidates who scored higher on eSkill skills tests were more likely to excel in manager-level interviews and displayed a greater commitment to the interview process. They also worked out to be more successful in the roles for which they were hired.

These results highlighted eSkill’s role in enhancing the company’s talent acquisition and employee development strategies, contributing significantly to its overall growth and success.

Click HERE to view Case Study. Request an eSkill Talent Assessment PlatformTM demo to learn how implementing skills tests with video and voice subscription options can help you reduce turnover, reward high-performing team members, and reduce the time to hire qualified candidates.

“Our company has many different clients whom we serve in many ways and finding top talent can be a challenge. With eSkill, I can work with our hiring managers and client teams to ensure that the skills needed to perform the role successfully are tested in the recruiting phase. Being able to personalize individual assessments for our various clients is wonderful, and there are so many great [skills test] templates to choose from, or you can create your own. The results are easy to read and interpret. I find [the platform] to be intuitive and user-friendly, and when I run into a snag, our Client Success Manager is responsive and ready to find solutions.”

Client’s Recruiting Team Member


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