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The Situation

AdventHealth employs 80,000 health care professionals in physician practices, hospitals, outpatient clinics, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies and hospice centers. The company’s employee attrition rate was too high, and productivity was suffering as a result. So, HR managers researched solutions that would help them recruit better-qualified candidates so they could reduce the number of hiring “mistakes.”

Things move at a lightning-fast pace in a healthcare environment, and if employees lack medical knowledge or do not know how to perform routine procedures, a patient’s health and well-being could be at stake. Therefore, managers also wanted to use the solution to administer pre- and post-hire tests to assess new hires’ skills and knowledge. This would enable them to identify and address training “gaps” so they could develop customized training programs to familiarize new employees with AdventHealth’s processes.

The Solution

After evaluating several products, the team decided that eSkill was the best solution for their needs because it allowed recruiters and hiring managers to create job tests for all healthcare-related and staff positions. They could create assessments by choosing questions from the eSkill Test Library and add their own questions if they desired, to create employment tests for each job.

They also saw they could use eSkill for their staff development needs. By using the eSkill Author, they could create customized tests for new hires so they could identify knowledge “gaps,” create customized training and employee development plans, and assign training as required.

The Result

The team found it easy to implement eSkill and the HR team was impressed at how little end-user training was required. They liked the convenience of being able to access the AdventHealth test center anytime and from anywhere, and the ability to change codes to access job tests if the integrity of an existing test was compromised.

They also found that eSkill saved them hours of time because they could copy tests and rename them so they could be administered to different but similar audiences. The only assistance they required from the eSkill support team was help changing the way data was collected so they could filter test results more easily to develop unit and campus education plans.

Click HERE to view Case Study. Request a demo to learn how you can leverage eSkill to streamline your hiring process and improve training outcomes.

“eSkill enables managers to easily assess the current knowledge level or new hires because it allows us to anticipate interventions. This helps better prepare new hires for our job environment and helps them ‘get up to speed’ more quickly.” She added, “The data extraction process is pretty user-friendly as is using the option to forward test results.”

Brandy Greer, Nurse Residency Training Program Manager


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