How to Hire and Recruit for Engineering Jobs

One of the most long-standing areas of engineering, Mechanical Engineering is sometimes called heavy engineering. It’s the branch that involves the production and use of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools. These engineers are sometimes referred to as the core of all advanced technological achievements in robotics, […]

How to Hire and Recruit for Sales

For companies big or small, sales is the lifeblood of the organization. Without sales, cash flow is non-existent and quite frankly there is no business.  Hiring a great salesperson is both an art and a science. The right salesperson can take a small company and build it into something big. Building relationships, making connections, and […]

5 Ways to Hire Top IT Talent

Hiring and retaining the best talent is as tough as it’s ever been, especially when it comes to hiring the best IT talent out there. Despite recent trends in the workforce, it is possible to hire the best, but you’ll have to be one of the best to attract these candidates. The workforce is saturated […]

Making Interviews More Interactive

Having had several jobs, I’ve had my fair share of weird Interviews. You can try to prepare, and I always did, but you just never know what you’re going to get. I’ve had interviews that lasted 15 minutes and one that lasted two and a half hours. I’ve had some with timed tests and some […]

What is evergreen job posting?

Evergreen jobs are a position at your organization that are always open, either because they are high turnover positions or, more likely, because they are positions for which you have many employees in the same role. As a hiring manager, you are constantly chasing candidates for this role, spending hours interviewing, qualifying, and finding job […]

Applying is Buying

According to the Candidate Experience Survey of 2012, over 53% of candidates indicated that they had an existing relationship with a company prior to applying there, either as a customer, an advocate, or through family/friends already at the company. It’s only a matter of time before that percentage grows into the 80s or 90s.  It’s […]

5 Ethical Hiring & Work Decisions That Can Save You Millions

With the average cost of employment litigation topping about $150,000, ethical hiring and employment decisions are not only essential to keep your workplace culture moving in a positive direction but also to keep your company profitable and in the black. That figure doesn’t include preparing statements, negotiations, and representation. With costs in employment litigation lawsuits […]

The Art of Recruiting

Experienced HR professionals will tell you that there is an art to recruiting. As a recruiter, you refine your skills and techniques, and after years of practice, you develop the ability to assess the hiring problem at hand and cull through the available candidates to find the individual who best fits the overall picture of […]

What I Learned at Build-a-Bear Workshop

A couple of weeks ago I took my almost-four-year-old to the mall, and I did it all for love. One of Ryleigh’s favorite places is Build-A Bear Workshop. The customer service is fantastic, and they create a “wow” experience for her. Since she is a typical indecisive preschooler, we spent nearly 20 minutes selecting the […]

Five Easy Steps to Finding the Best Person for the Job

The task of finding that perfect new hire can be broken down into five simple steps. In the process, you’ll envision the ideal candidate and identify the right qualifications for the job, so that you can quickly find the applicants you need to make a perfect hire. Step 1: Define position requirements. Envision the perfect […]

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills

  Understanding the Difference Between Hard Skills & Soft Skills in Pre-Employment Testing I remember my first encounter with pre-employment testing. I was terrified and sweating bullets. Having just taken the GMAT, I did not know what to expect, and no one bothered to tell me how, what, or even why I was taking the […]

Building a Pipeline is More than a Pipe Dream

“Pipe dreams” refer to the visual hallucinations that occur after smoking a pipe full of opium. Despite the term’s origins, today, people refer to a pipe dream as an impossible goal. For many a recruiter with a bare pipeline, finding the tricks to keeping it full and flush may seem like a pipe dream. Fear […]
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