The Gig Economy and How It’s Influencing Your Workforce [part 2]

In a previous article, we defined the gig economy and exposed some of the challenges it implies for HR. This article will continue to explore these challenges, focusing on the gig economy’s impact on workers and governments.. Challenges for Workers While some workers have embraced the gig economy, not all have. As I wrote in […]

The Gig Economy and How It’s Influencing Your Workforce [part 1]

There is a growing movement in the United States, actually the world, of people working independently from traditional employment constraints. This “gig” economy, as it has come to be called, has its roots in the increasing use of freelance contractors and entrepreneurs. Although there have been some legal setbacks to the gig economy in the […]

The Lowdown on Brexit, Recruiting and HR

You’ve probably heard of Brexit by now, but do you really know what it means? Since the announcement of Britain’s exit from the European Union, the global stock market crashed, and then the next day it recovered. And all of a sudden there was no shortage of articles asking, “How will Brexit impact recruiting?” What […]

4 Reasons Why You Should Test Seasonal Workers

Summer is a time when many companies need additional help, so they hire seasonal workers to meet their demands. The bulk of these seasonal hires are high school and college students looking for summer jobs. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the youth workforce increases sharply between April and July every year. Last […]

Life Without HR? No Thank You!

Can you imagine a life without Human Resources? I was asked to think about that recently and I realized that, oddly enough, it wasn’t too long ago that we had a world without HR. The Stone-Age HR World A world without HR looks something like the television series “Madmen,” starring John Hamm. It’s set in […]

Is It Legal? What You Need to Know About Labor Law & Recruitment

Any recruiter or hiring manager will tell you that optimizing the recruitment process is one of their top priorities. It takes time to properly research best practices and develop a new recruitment strategy that will help you find, select, and hire the best talent. But before you can implement your new strategy, you must ask […]

Nothing Beats a Classic Job Analysis!

Have you ever worked someplace where all of a sudden there was an announcement that the company was realigning and certain roles and positions would change? More than likely, that was the result of a job analysis. Depending on the company size, it can be a huge undertaking. Job analyses are not easy or simple, […]

How to Improve the Quality of Your Recruiting

We’ve all been there before: you are charged with the responsibility of finding the next great employee. You are given a list of knowledge items, skills, and abilities this individual must possess. You must determine whether each candidate has those skills. Generally, these abilities are part of a list of business hard skills the hiring […]

How to Better Recruit College Graduates

This summer, more than 2 million fresh-faced college grads will be fighting to enter the workforce. According to the U.S. National Center for Educations Statistics, the class of 2016 will include 1.8 million bachelor’s degrees and 952,000 associate’s degrees. With so many recent graduates seeking jobs, you might think recruiting them would be like shooting […]

Rejection Hurts: Keep Candidates from Rejecting Your Job Offers

We’ve all been there: after scouring through dozens of resumes, pouring over so many cover letters, and conducting several interviews, you find the perfect candidate for the job—only for them to reject your job offer. Did something go wrong? What are the reasons why candidates reject job offers and is there anything you can do […]

5 Ways Talent Acquisition is Different from Recruitment

The terms “recruitment” and “talent acquisition” are often used interchangeably and thought to mean the same thing — a lexicon used to describe the multitude of processes involved in the finding and hiring of candidates. Yet, recruitment and talent acquisition are not the same thing. Understanding the differences between them and adapting your hiring process […]

3 Ways to Reach Passive Candidates

According to today’s recruiting trends, it’s no longer a buyer’s market. As the need for skilled workers outpaces the supply, recruiters are working harder than ever to reach the right candidates before their competitors do. But the talent crunch isn’t just changing the situation for the recruiters. It’s also changing the talent side as employees […]
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