Your Job Applicants Are Lying. Here’s How.

How far would you go to land a great job? Would you exaggerate on your resume? Would you use AI to write a cover letter? Would you cheat on a pre-hire assessment? Dishonesty is more common than you might think – 44% of Americans admit to lying during the hiring process, and 40% say their […]

Avoid Bad Hires with Online Proctoring 

Do you know how much a bad hire costs your company? In an article by SHRM, they reported that the cost of recruiting, hiring, and onboarding a single new employee can be as much as $240,000. While that might seem high, think about all the costs associated with a bad hire: recruiting time, training fees, […]

4 Pre-Employment Assessment Tools that Improve Hiring 

Resumes and interviews aren’t good enough. Hiring professionals need more reliable tools to better measure candidate fit. Pre-employment assessment tools help employers measure candidates’ hard skills, behavioral traits, or cognitive ability before they get to the interview process – saving employers valuable time and money, while reducing the risk of rapid turnover. The benefits of […]