How to Recruit on a Budget: Concepts and Processes

Almost anyone in charge of the recruitment budget process for a company agrees that their job would be a lot easier if they could get a little more funding. But the fact of the matter is that recruiting dollars are likely to decrease in the next year. According to Gartner, about 30% of companies plan […]

Human Resources Budget Examples for Planning

Some HR professionals dread putting together budgets. But even for those who harbor no ill will toward this annual task, the work can sometimes feel overwhelming. Because HR teams are responsible for a wide range of business activities, it can be difficult to make sure that every item is accounted for in your budget. Even […]

How Managers Can Help Remote Workers Succeed

If you manage a staff, you probably have remote employees, and if you do not, you most likely will soon. According to a survey conducted by GetApp, the number of people who work remotely at least once per week has grown by 400% since 2010, and a Gallup report shows that 45% of full-time U.S. […]

How Top Companies are Improving HR Processes During Coronavirus

Companies are turning to technology to minimize the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on productivity and provide business continuity during this time of uncertainty. While some managers have decided to freeze hiring until they understand the economic impact of the pandemic, many others are continuing to recruit in a bid to prevent a business slowdown. […]

Why Video Interviews Are a Better, Faster Way to Hire

Talent acquisition is inevitably centered around people. However, during the past 20 years, the way companies approach hiring has been turned upside down by technology and automation. Today, human resource management systems help review resumes, test applicants’ skills, and even interview candidates. By integrating video interviewing strategies into talent acquisition processes, employers capture several benefits […]

Coronavirus Prevention: Adapting to a Changing Employment Landscape

The focus on coronavirus prevention is disrupting hiring practices and work environments at businesses of all sizes and in every industry. In the interest of keeping employees healthy and conducting business as usual, online work from home has become the new norm. Whether you’re continuing to hire full-time staff or need a sudden influx of […]

What Are the Types of Pre-Employment Screening Tests Available

For businesses to thrive in today’s economy, finding and recruiting the best employees possible is critical. To improve hiring success, top-performing companies worldwide are turning to pre-employment screening tests. The use of hiring assessment tests reduces turnover, which has a negative impact on employee morale, productivity, and company revenue. A study by the Center for […]

How Do Behavioral Assessments Work with Skills Tests

Hiring can often feel like a guessing game, especially if a resume and interview are the only clues you have to determine a candidate’s fit for a position. Pre-employment assessments are becoming commonplace in the world of hiring, easing the burden of filtering through stacks of resumes. A 2017 study by Aberdeen found that 85% […]

What Do Pre-Employment Assessments Measure?

Determining the candidate that will be the ideal fit for your organization for years to come is an arduous task when you have only a resume and interview to review. Pre-employment assessments are a hiring tool that can give you additional insight into candidates’ abilities and aptitude. The skills and characteristics that are measured vary […]