New Proposed FLSA Regulations: Implications for Employers [Part 1]

On May 18, 2016, the Wage and Hour Division of the United States Department of Labor released the final regulations for the revision of the Fair Labor Standards Act. These changes were published in the Federal Register and will be effective on December 1, 2016. The Changes These final regulations revised the minimum salary that […]

Life Without HR? No Thank You!

Can you imagine a life without Human Resources? I was asked to think about that recently and I realized that, oddly enough, it wasn’t too long ago that we had a world without HR. The Stone-Age HR World A world without HR looks something like the television series “Madmen,” starring John Hamm. It’s set in […]

HR Challenge: 3 Tips for Avoiding Employment Law Issues

Although workforce law may be a complex and rapidly evolving topic, no HR professional can afford to ignore it. According to 2015 research from specialty insurer Hiscox, nearly 12% of small and medium businesses based in the US will find themselves on the wrong side of labor laws. Also, tougher labor laws in certain states […]

E-Learning for Your Employees 101

Ongoing training for employees can take a significant toll on your business. From renting classroom space and scheduling coverage to hiring instructors and making sure everyone who needs the training is able to attend, training can become a logistical and financial nightmare. Fortunately, there are many e-learning solutions that can achieve similar educational results without […]

Trend Alert: Boomerang Employees Have Companies Taking a Second Look

This year will no doubt see many new trends and changes in the workplace. One trend that’s already creating buzz is the increase in boomerang employees. Boomerang employees leave their current employer, usually seeking to advance their career or a bump in salary, only to return to the same employer later. As younger generations enter […]

These Recruiting Mistakes Can Cost You, BIG TIME!

Even with all of today’s technology and the expert advice you can get online regarding recruiting and talent acquisition, hiring companies are still missing out on top talent. Right now, the U.S. economy is performing well and there’s a lot of movement within the job market and labor force. However, there are still problems when […]

Cracking the Culture Code for Remote Employees

Among the many benefits enjoyed by the 21st century, the workforce is the concept and practice of flexible locality. While jobs like retail and labor often require their employees’ physical presence to get the job done, more and more workers are taking their careers off-site and enjoying the freedom that comes with that. But without […]

Culture Fits and Corporate Thanksgiving Celebrations

In the Human Resources and Talent Management industry, we love a good culture fit. Finding a great cultural match can create a perfect hiring match. But what is a great culture fit anyway? How do you know when you have found a good culture fit? How do you define “good” culture? There are many ways […]

How to Cater to Both Clients and Employees

On any given day, under the right circumstances, every single one of us could be horribly wrong about a multitude of things. Why should it be true – given this fact – that the customer is always right? We all know that the age-old cliché isn’t actually true, of course. It is meant to be a reminder […]

Are Fancy College Degrees Over-Rated?

There’s no denying the value of a good education, but these days companies are looking past the college degree to find the truly best candidates. Recruiters used to pay more attention to what university a candidate attended, giving preference to those who graduated from a prestigious or Ivy League college. Now, recruiters are focusing more […]

Why Do Non-HR Workers Hate HR?

Working in Human Resources in the twenty-first century can feel like the epitome of being caught between a rock and a hard place. While most people in a corporate setting owe their positions, at least in part, to the HR employees who recruited and interviewed them, few corporate denizens hold any love for HR professionals. […]

6 Ways to Make New Hires Feel Like Insiders Right Away

Many of us know what it feels like to be the new kid at school. Uprooted from familiar surroundings, maybe leaving friends behind, we are dropped behind enemy lines in a hostile environment. Okay, maybe the depiction is a little melodramatic, but being a new hire, even as a mature adult, is not too different […]
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