Favoritism and Nepotism: Managing Favoritism in the Workplace

As HR professionals, we’re the ones responsible for keeping the employees at our organizations happy and productive. This goal is hard to reach if there is favoritism or nepotism on the job, especially if it’s allowed to grow unchecked. What is favoritism in the workplace? Favoritism in the workplace is exactly what it sounds like: […]

5 Tips to Ensure Your Employees Will Upskill

If you were to conduct a brief google search on “benefits of upskilling employees” you would discover article after article covering benefits from saving money to improving employee morale. Thought leaders and vendors alike agree that upskilling can improve your retention rate, increase customer satisfaction, attract new talent, and contribute to strategic succession planning. It’s […]

The Ultimate Collaborative Assessment Solution

When people write, code, or use Microsoft Office tools, they can often solve the same problem in different ways. All these tasks require either creativity or higher-order thinking skills. However, these skills can’t be easily evaluated. You often need at least two brains. :- ) Organizations want their teams to be creative but are not […]

4 Keys to Developing a Robust Young-Talent Pipeline

Young workers? If you believe the headlines, young workers are all unreliable, entitled, non-committal and whiny – but that is fake news. Young workers generally get a bad reputation based on the actions of a few and the truth is, just as a sports franchise needs young athletes, companies need young workers. But why is […]

How to Reduce the Time It Takes to Hire

The time it takes to hire is steadily increasing. Jen Dewar, a contributor to Lever’s Talent Innovation Blog, in October 2017, wrote that, according to DHI Hiring Indicators, the average time to hire was 30 days. Nikoletta Bika, in her article for Workable, referred to a September 2017 DHI Hiring study that categorized the time […]

How to Assess Coding Skills (if you have little coding knowledge yourself)

Hiring is one of the most important pieces of an organization’s success, so it’s imperative we test candidates for the skills they will be required to use on the job. Taking the step of skills testing to ensure candidates can perform at the level your organization needs will increase your chance of retaining those employees […]

5 (Illustrated) Best Practices When Screening for Customer Service Reps [PART 2]

In the first part of this article we identified the five most valuable skills you need to look for when hiring your customer service representatives. Once you’ve identified these skills, the question remains: “How can you find all these skills in ONE person?”. Invest in relevant, valid skills testing Enhance your candidate screening process by […]

10 HR Trends to Watch in 2018

As we close out another year, we don’t have much time to kick up our feet before we have to get hard to work on our 2018 goals. We’ve put together a list of 10 HR Trends for 2018 to keep your eye on. 1. Artificial Intelligence AI is making its way into our organizations’ […]

When Tech Skills Requirements Move too fast

The biggest challenge companies face is keeping their workers up to date with skills as technologies evolve so that they can continue efficiently providing services to their customers. In last couple of decades, technology has evolved at a rapid speed. Not only companies, but also the workers are finding it difficult to keep pace. Taking […]

What Should You Do If You’ve Been Outperformed by a New Hire?

Your employees’ morale will be impacted when they know that a colleague is doing a better job than they are and earning more appreciation from the boss. This is doubly true if that colleague is a new hire, just appointed to a similar role. The motivation of new employees can be intense: They perform the […]

What is more important: Knowledge, Skills or Abilities? Can you choose?

Most human resources professionals and managers are familiar with the acronym KSAs, which stands for knowledge, skills, and abilities. We hire on the basis of KSAs. We promote on the basis of KSAs, generally anyway. Often these terms are used almost interchangeably, or in just one big mouthful of KSAs, without making a distinction between […]

The Cost of Losing Employees (And How to Avoid It)

Losing an employee is never easy — but it happens. People change industries, find “better for them” jobs, or go to work for themselves. But many organizations don’t realize how costly employee turnover is! First, losing an employee hurts your bottom line. Period. Experts estimate it costs at least twice an employee’s salary to find […]
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