Tips on Building Workplace Morale

Office morale is one of the biggest factors that directly affect productivity in your office, as well as employee retention. I’ve come up with five different ways that employers can build morale in the office and create a better sense of ownership in the company. Be innovative. People love working for companies that are innovative […]

Well-Known Pitfalls of Tying Compensation to Performance

Tying compensation to performance can be a tricky and slippery slope for employers to travel down. Companies that want to enact a program like this need to be aware of the common pitfalls and do their best to build a program that helps avoid them. If you’re considering doing this, take into account the following […]

Make Your HR Department a Stronger Unit

The Human Resources department is an indispensable cog in any company’s engine. It is a unit that deals with every single employee on a consistent basis, listening to employees’ needs, drafting policies, and improving the workplace. As such, the Human Resources team needs to be a strong, cohesive unit that works together to ensure healthy […]

The Importance of Intercultural Skills

As the modern workplace becomes more global, companies are putting a bigger emphasis on an employee’s intercultural skills in the office. Now more then ever, companies are no longer just looking for technical skills, they are also putting a greater focus on an employee’s ability to speak another language, demonstrate respect for others, and cope […]

Anniversaries are Workplace Celebration Moments

According to a recent Economic News Release, the average median tenure for workers aged 25 to 34 is 3.2 years, and for workers aged 65 and over it’s 10.3 years. Celebrating anniversaries at work is a boost to morale and makes for happy employees. Whether you choose to go all out with a potluck, or […]

How to Work with Everyone at Work

Working with different personalities isn’t easy, but it’s always necessary. In today’s fast-changing corporate environment, personality types are mixed together at various levels, and it’s crucial that you learn how to spot and work with any you come across. Personality typing may be useful in your business, to help you understand people’s differences. In doing […]

Mastering Written Communication at Work

In today’s workplace, effective communication makes all the difference in the world. Big and small companies are dedicating entire departments to making sure the inflow and outflow of communication is both accurate and representative of their company. Without being able to effectively communicate your business offerings, even though you might have the best product in […]

The Telecommuting v. Working at the Office Debate – Which is Better?

Following the announcement of Yahoo’s CEO Marissa Mayer to rid the company of telecommuting altogether, let’s talk about valid reasons and circumstances in which working from home could be more productive and efficient than working at the office. Who benefits the most from telecommuting versus working in the office? Analyses at Best Buy, British Telecom, […]

10 Steps to Keeping Employees Engaged and Motivated

When it comes to job satisfaction, financial rewards may be lower on the list than most people think. Being happy with your job often depends more on intangibles such as feeling part of a team and feeling valued and appreciated. In fact, these factors consistently outrank money when employees are polled about job satisfaction. As […]

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Verbal Communication Skills

The deadline is quickly approaching and you want to get your hands on the report to ensure that all the numbers and data are in line, the analysis is on target, and that all the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted.  You are stressed in your job to the max.  You stop by […]

Helping a New Hire Get Off to a Good Start

Helping new employees get off to a good start can have big benefits for the company as well as the new hire. In addition to increase morale, it can save the company money and time, increasing the productivity of the new hire as well as the whole team. Since not understanding what is expected and […]

How to Handle Job Stress

While some amount of stress – such as having a schedule with deliverable dates – can help in workplace productivity, too much stress can have the opposite effect, making workers less productive, and even leading to depression and other health issues. Workers who are stressed are less committed to their jobs and have more absences […]
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