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GlowTouch is a contact center, business process, and technology outsourcing agency that helps its clients staff their customer support teams. As a technology-driven company, they’ve helped numerous companies navigate digital transformations and create positive customer interactions that increase brand stickiness. They match companies with onshore, offshore, and nearshore customer service agents who are expected to deliver on the brand promise of positive customer interactions through every stage of the customer cycle.

Founded in 2002, GlowTouch’s presence is global, driven by a mission to create partnerships with its clients. It strives to deliver technology-driven uncommon capabilities and always pushes the limits of what’s possible for customer service and call centers.

The Situation

GlowTouch offers agent services with a wide range of service capabilities: customer care, tech support, sales/revenue generation, welcome calls, retention, win-back, and post-sales verifications. The necessity to scale without sacrificing the quality of outsourcing agents proved to be daunting. It became clear that as a technology-forward company, it needed to utilize specialized technology for agent recruitment with eSkill’s call center skills tests.

The Solution

GlowTouch found that eSkill’s call center skills tests delivered the extra validation it needed with a customizable, easy-to-use interface. With a question bank that speaks directly to customer service agents and employers alike, GlowTouch immediately started using eSkill’s Talent Assessment PlatformTM to assess and screen candidates quickly and accurately.


GlowTouch opted to use the customizable features of eSkill’s Talent Assessment PlatformTM customer service skills tests with the various sub-topics for more nuanced assessments. It found that skills testing from eSkill was easy to implement on their side, and their candidates navigated the testing process with ease. Ultimately, eSkill’s skills testing became integral to GlowTouch’s applicant screening and job recruitment process.

The Result

Since implementing eSkill’s Talent Assessment PlatformTM customer service skills testing, GlowTouch has been able to eliminate more than 10% of candidates during the initial screening phase. It also notes that whether a candidate takes a skills test or not is a significant indicator of initiative, which informs hiring decisions. GlowTouch saw an immediate return on investment because it was easy to implement into its recruiting process, delivering customer service skills tests results in a user-friendly way.

The call center skills tests results were so helpful that GlowTouch now asks candidates to take the skills tests before applying. GlowTouch plans to expand its use of eSkill’s Talent Assessment PlatformTM for training, development, and identifying internal promotion opportunities.

Click HERE to view Case Study. Request a demo to learn how implementing eSkill’s call center skills tests can help you hire candidates who can do the job.


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