Improving Your Recruitment Strategies with Social Media

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Improving Your Recruitment Strategies with Social Media

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One of the fastest-growing recruiting trends in recent years has been social recruiting—using social media networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to source and recruit candidates. If you’ve never done social recruiting or implemented a social recruiting strategy in your company, the task may seem daunting.

Where do you start? Which social networks should you go after? What are the best practices for successful social recruiting?

Get social and learn about:

  • The Benefits of Social Recruiting
  • Using Social Networks for Recruitin
  • Measuring Results

Recruiting through social media lets your organization find candidates that you would not be able to reach otherwise, and allows you to better manage the talent needs of your business. Figure out the type of candidates you want to attract and how best to reach them, then make the case for a social recruiting strategy that will ultimately help your company’s overall staffing needs.

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