Beating the Odds – Effective Talent Retention Strategies

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Beating the Odds – Effective Talent Retention Strategies

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As important as employee retention is, many companies still fall victim to high turnover rates. This has a big impact on all of your staff, because it affects morale as well as productivity. When key staff members leave, others may follow suit; and finding and training suitable replacements costs time as well as money. Employees leave companies for many different reasons. Knowing why they leave is crucial to understanding what you can do to keep them, and to developing an effective retention strategy.

Find out the answers to the following questions:

  • Why do employees leave?
  • Why is employee retention so important?
  • What are the top employee retention strategies?

Employee retention is vital to any company’s success, and it’s not just the HR department’s responsibility. Your entire company, from the top down, must adapt in order to attract and keep good employees, and know that doing so is a worthwhile endeavor. It can save your company time and money, boost morale, and greatly increase productivity.

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