What Do Pre-Employment Assessments Measure?

Determining the candidate that will be the ideal fit for your organization for years to come is an arduous task when you have only a resume and interview to review. Pre-employment assessments are a hiring tool that can give you additional insight into candidates’ abilities and aptitude. The skills and characteristics that are measured vary […]

Don’t DIY Your Employment Tests

Like many HR pros, I have lived the “Skilled Labor Hard to Find” headlines.  At one company, we had a hard time finding employees with strong math and computer skills. The HR team set out to “solve” this gap by analyzing our locations: Which had high turnover? Low turnover? Which was most productive? Which had […]

Select Financial Skills – eSkill Client Success Story

Creating the most valid tests for any organization’s job openings may require more than just selecting a stock general test. One of the largest industrial distributors in North America, an eSkill client, customized a unique test that delivered the complete evaluation requested by all stakeholders. The company hires in all areas of their business — […]

Hire for the Skills. Not for the Title.

Once upon a time, a manager was a manager. Organizations had clear hierarchies, and job titles indicated an employee’s experience and level of responsibility, and they meant the same thing to anyone reading a résumé. Not anymore. Today, employment is more fragmented, and a job seeker’s work experience might include freelancing, entrepreneurship, a traditional 9-to-5 […]

Skills Assessment and Training Go Hand and Hand

In a day and age where business’s move at the speed of lightning, employee training is often playing catch up. It’s not enough anymore to just give employees access to a large library of training and expect them to take the time to, well, Train Up. We have to put the right tools and the […]