How to Hire and Recruit for Healthcare, Part 1

Despite the sluggish nature of our economy, the healthcare sector is one that job seekers would be wise to consider in 2013. Last year, this industry added over 300,000 jobs according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Despite the tough trends in the economy, healthcare has continued to show positive figures for the past five […]

Ensure HIPAA Compliance. Use HIPAA Tests in Hiring.

The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act, also known as HIPAA, sets the standard for healthcare data protection.  Health information must be protected. The information regulated by HIPAA is called protected health information or PHI.  This directly affects hospitals and clinics, assisted living communities, human resources personnel files (FMLA and ADA), as well as today’s […]

Gamify Healthcare Compliance to Motivate Employees to be Healthier

It’s no secret that healthy employees cost less. According to a recent Gallup poll, the cost of unhealthy employees is more than $153 billion annually in lost productivity. Gamification, introducing game-like elements and strategies, has been used in several different industries to help boost productivity and a company’s profit margin.  But if you’ve ever been […]

U.S. Healthcare Reform Compliance

The changes in U.S. Healthcare soon coming into effect are complex, and compliance is shaping up to be a huge job HR departments. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010 and going into effect on January 1, 2015, is designed to expand access to […]